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I walked in and was immediately flooded with warmth. I breathed out a sigh of relief and moved into the building more.

There was a small kitchen in the corner furthest from the door and a dinner table taking up much of the room leading there. Next to the kitchen were some chests and pictures littered the wall. One was what appeared to be a anti-government propaganda poster and a few of the others were, what I assumed to be, family photos. Most of the pictures were of Techno and who I assumed was Wilbur before he died and became Ghostbur. Only one had my blonde friend in it and he seemed to be a lot younger.

"Would you guys like some warm tea?" Technoblade called from the kitchen like area, sending a eerie yet kind smile towards Tommy and I.

"Yeah, sure Techno, that sounds nice," Tommy said, awkwardly rubbing his arm. It was clear this level of hospitality wasn't something that he was used to.

"Earl Grey is fine?" Tommy nodded and the hybrid turned his head towards me. "How about you, (Y/N)?"

      "I'll have the same as Tommy, please. Thank you."

      The man nodded his head and began brewing the tea. The room was silent as Tommy and I sat down across from Phil and Techno's seat, the inly sound being the hissing of the kettle.

       "So, Tommy. How have you been?" Phil asked once Techno joined us and handed out the hot drinks.

      "I'm surviving."

      The older man nodded. "Good to hear." A gentle smile washed over his features as he looked around the house. "Isn't this place great? Techno made it all by himself."

      "Uh, yeah. It's really cool." I glanced at Tommy to see him glaring down at the brown liquid in his mug.

       "Phil, maybe now isn't the time to talk about our house." The pink haired man glanced up at his brother. "What brings you out here anyway, Tommy? Aren't you busy in L'Manburg?"

      The boy flinched, "I don't live there anymore. They exiled me."

      To my surprise, laughter erupted from the two men.

      "Tommy, what did I tell you? You can't be a hero," Techno bellowed.

       I stared in complete and utter shock as his family mocked him. Mainly his dad. Weren't they related? How can they treat Tommy like that?

      "Excuse me but I don't think it's appropriate to laugh at him." The laughter stopped and I felt all their eyes land on me. I myself, was surprised. "Aren't you guys family?"

       "Yes, and last time I checked it's not your business," Philza mumbled under his breath before teasingly looking back to Tommy. "Careful or this new friend of yours might banish you from Logstedshire. Where would you go then?"

      I huffed. "Excuse me? I don't think you have any right meddling in our friendship, do you? No." I placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "C'mon, Tommy let's go. They aren't worth your time."

      "(Y/N), stop. I think they're just nervous with you around. I promise they're nice," Tommy muttered, glancing at me with a begging look in his eyes. "Give them a chance."

       I huffed. "Fine." I crossed my arms and looked straight. Glaring at the broad shouldered hybrid across from me.

       "Wow. I can see why you and Tommy get along," he mused.

       "At least I get along with him better than you do." Tommy kicked me in the leg from under the table, giving me a glance.

I sighed, "I'll be outside then." Before anyone said anything I got up and went out the cabin.

Sure, it was frigid but I couldn't stand being in there. One, they were rude. Two, there were too many people in too small of a place. It was uncomfortable. I stood in the snow, leaning against the wall, listening to the muffled conversations from inside. After a few minutes the door swung open, Tommy stepping out with some kind of thick furs in his arms.

He glanced around before spotting me. "(Y/N), are you alright?" His blue eyes shown with genuine concern. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you didn't want to be there."

I offered him a small grin and shook my head. "You're fine. I just didn't want to be in there anymore."

"Alright. Well, they gave us these coats! Apparently Techno killed a few polar bears and said we could keep these." He handed me one of the warm looking coats and smiled.

       I took it and shrugged it on. It was big on me, like really big. The sleeves rolled off my hands and the bottom went to my knees. I sighed and opened the door perking in shyly. "Thank you for the coats."

       Techno, the only person left in the room looked up at me and silently nodded his head. "You're welcome."

       I walked back out and shut the door.

       "I still don't feel bad about getting upset."

       Tommy chuckled, "I wasn't expecting you to be."

        I hummed, beginning to walk back. The sun was setting and I didn't want to be in the middle of the Tundra when it sunk below the horizon, taking it's heat with it.

        Tommy trudged towards me, slowing to my pace once we were next to each other. The only sounds surrounding us as we walked towards my cabin was the crunching of snow and rusting of our sleeves brushing against each other.

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