Bonus: Goodbye Ghostbur

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Character Death

Yes, I know I'm a bit late lol.
Not related to the usual story.

I grinned, walking besides Ghostbur and holding Tommy's hand. We were going to the prison. Tubbo and Ranboo were with us as well but then were walking a little ways back, holding on to Friend.

I wasn't entirely sure why we were here but it seemed like quite the urgent matter. I was supposed to stay at the house and watch Michael but Aster is with him. The wolf was now a strong and capable canine so I'm sure the little piglin will be okay.

Ghostbur and I get along really well! We have weekly picnics at random places and I've been helping him raise his little garden of special treats for Friend.

Ranboo is also a close friend of mine! Sometimes my rambling about ancient civilizations quells his anxiety so we spent a lot of time together. Tubbo and I are also friends but he's a bit... chaotic for me.

Not that I don't like chaotic people! Tommy's my best friend and boyfriend. So that just proves it!

As we approached the prison I felt Tommy tense up next to me. Not strange, considering what had happened last time he was here... I gently squeezed his hand and offered him a smile, "Y'know, I could go in there with you."

     He smiled, glancing at me, "No, I'll be alright. Besides," he held up a small vial with grey liquid, sloshing it around. "No one will see me."

     I grinned, "Alright then. Just be safe."

     "(Y/N)," Ghostbur mumbled next to me, "If it helps, I'll make sure to watch him! He'll make it in and out of there without a scratch!"

     "Oh, well in that case I'm not worried at all!" I gave the ghost a small nudge on the shoulder, making him laugh.

     We reached the entrance to the prison and Tommy drank down his potion. "Okay, we're off then." The effect took into place and soon he wasn't visible at all. I could still fee him though, and our hands were still connected.

      "Okay, just stay safe. Got it?"

     I heard him laugh, "Promise."

     With that, he and Ghoghtbur entered the prison, leaving Ranboo, Tubbo, Friend, and I to wait outside. We found a small area to sit down by the prison and sat in silence.

     Ranboo got up after a while, picking up a perfect cube of dirt and placing it near Tubbo. He kept repeating this until his nerves died down a bit. After that we just talked and played games. It was maybe two hours later when Tommy finally returned, looking distraught. Ghostbur was no where in sight.

     "Tommy!" I got up, walking up to him. "How'd it go? Where's Ghostbur?"

     He shook his head silently, reaching out with his hands to give me a hug.

      "Hey, what's wrong?" I gently patted his back. "Tommy?"

      He was silent for a moment longer, relishing in the comfort my embrace gave him. "Dream... revived Willbur." Tubbo and Ranboo who had caught up to me were silent as well. "Ghostbur is dead."


     I walked swiftly across the large expanse of glass that covered the crater where L'Manburg once stood. The withered and dead vines of the Egg were still down there, shooting fear into my bloodstream even though I know it's irrational. Four pairs of footsteps accompanied me, along with the clattering of Friend's hooves.

      "Over here, this is where he should be. Can any of you see anything?" Tommy asked, urging us to the resurrection alter area.

     "No, I don't see anything." I glanced over my shoulder, eyeing Tubbo and Ranboo as they followed us. I was holding onto Friend's leash for now and the fluffy blue sheep was trotting to my right, Tommy to my left. The Enderman hybrid and his platonic-husband hadn't said anything since Tommy exited the prison.

      A small wall of stone blocked our way and Tommy deftly cut through it with his pickaxe, only stopping to make it wide enough for Friend.

     Once we were all out of the tunnel we froze.

     A tall lanky man, taller than Tommy by the smallest amount, stood in front of us, staring around himself in awe. He had a dark trench coat like jacket on and one arm was blatantly bleeding, though he didn't seem to care. As he turned to us, his brown hair flopped lightly across his face, adorned by a single white streak that curled with the other locks.

      "Am I... Am I really back? Tommy, is that really you?"

      "Wilbur..." I glanced over, Tommy was shaking. To others, it may look like anger but by this point I knew better. He was fighting the urge to break down. I gently squeezed his hand and took the tiniest step forward, placing myself a little bit more between the crazy looking man and the blonde.

      Wilbur laughed, emotionless and slightly psychotic. He motioned to the large expanse of glass. "What the fuck happened here? Tubbo, didn't I make you president? Where's that suit I gave you. I could've sworn I had lent you one."

      I glanced back, seeing Ranboo protectively glare at Wilbur, pulling the shorter boy closer to himself.

      "Tommy... Who is this...?" Obviously, his name is Wilbur but Tommy said that man was dead. Surely he wasn't brought back.

      "Yes, Tommy. Please, introduce me to your new friends." He nodded to me, "This one seems rather close to you, yes?"

     "Uh... that's (Y/N). We're... very, very close." He motioned with his free hand towards Ranboo. "That is Ranboo."

      "Oh! How exciting! So much has happened in the time I was gone! So many new faces!" His eyes turned skyward. "Oh! It's nearly dawn." He scrambled up the slope, all of us following hesitantly. "Come on, I need to see this sunrise."

      Once at the top, the sun showed it's face. It was bright and crimson, coloring the skies in a dark red. Blood-like.

      "Oh, how glorious." He nodded towards Tommy, not looking away from the rising sun. "This is my sunrise, Tommy. A new day, a new era, has begun."

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