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     I sat in front of the camp fire, gently stroking the fur on Aster's back. He was sound asleep after all the traveling and work to set up the camp. He's such a good boy, helping Tommy and I drag wood and branches around to help conceal the area. He's been growing significantly too. I smiled.

The large branches we used to cover the entrance to hideout rustled and I glanced up, seeing Tommy stumble in, a pale yellow fish in his hands. Next time I think I'll catch the fish; it looks like he dived after the things.

"I hope you like cod. It's all I could get."

"It's alright, food is food and I'm starving!"

He grinned, walking over and sitting by me, grabbing a long stick to skewer the dead fish on to it. "That's good. Will this be enough for us both though? I could go get more."

I shook my head and gently took the stick from his hands, letting the fish hover over the bright red fire. "It's fine. Besides, I think it's better you dry off now. Don't need you getting sick."

At the mention of how soaked he was, he shivered. "No, I'm fine. Really."

I rolled my eyes, using my other hand to reach into my bag and grab the blanket that I had packed, throwing it lazily onto Tommy's head. "Sure you are. You're shaking like a leaf."

"Am not!" He nudged my shoulder, earning himself a playful glare, as he wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. "Thanks for the blanket, though. Not that I need it."

"You're welcome."

We sat silently for a while, letting the fish cook. It was already late and so the groaning of zombies and the cracking of skeleton bones could be heard outside. Not frighteningly close but close enough to be heard. Once the fish seemed adequately cooked on one side, I flipped it over so the other half could receive the same treatment.

Despite the fire blazing before me, a cold draft found its way around my body, making me shiver. As I shifted to try and curl into myself more, I felt Tommy move closer to me, draping some of the blanket over my shoulder as well.

I glanced over at him and he smiled, "You're welcome."

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks," and he laughed. I rested my head on his shoulder as we waited for the food to be ready, content with each others presence.

After a few minutes the fish seemed done and I pulled it away from the fire.

     "Shit, we don't have any plates..."  I used my free hand to open my satchel as much as I could, although I knew there wasn't anything of use in there. "No utensils either."

     "I mean, we could just eat it off the stick."

     "What? No, that sounds awkward! We're sharing after all."

    Tommy looked at me with amusement flickering in his eyes, "Wow, okay then." He gently pushed the fish towards me, "You eat first then. I'll eat whatever you don't finish."

     "That's not fair! What if you get less?"

     "Fine, if you're so worried we can just take turns." He leaned in, biting off a portion of the cooked fish, wincing slightly at how hot it was. He chewed for a little, pulling out a bone that was caught in the flesh, before swallowing. "Y'know, (Y/N)," he smirked and talked in a teasing voice. "It's rude to stare at someone, especially when they're eating."

    I blushed, suddenly aware that I'd been gawking at him. "I-I'm not staring! I'm just... admiring. You." I looked away, "You don't need to tease me so much, y'know."

     I heard him giggle as he poked my cheek, "I know, but it's so much fun. You get all blushy." I glanced over and he was grinning at me, making me huff in embarrassment. "Fine, I'll stop teasing if you just take you bite of food."

     I eyed him suspiciously, "For how long will you stop?"

     "Hmm," he giggled.

    "You're not actually going to stop... are you?"


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