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"Are we there yet?" Tommy whined for the tenth time that hour.

"Shut up," I snapped quietly back. Yes, I cared about him because he was my friend but he was getting on my nerves. It was raining lightly now and it was uncomfortably humid, causing me to lose some of my usual patience. I sighed when he muttered an apology, "It's alright. Sorry, I'm just irritable right now. Not only will we be wet when fighting the kitty but it's going to be slippery and therefore more dangerous."

"Cougars can't be that dangerous, though. I mean you took one down by yourself."

"Yes, but it wasn't raining and I wasn't with another person."

He raised a brow, "The last thing I'm going to do is hold you back."

"I know but..." I sighed and shook my head, "What's your string suit?"

"Come again?"

"What weapon do you work best with?"

"I work well with anything." I stared at him seriously and he sighed, "Sword."

I unsheathed my diamond sword and pointed the hilt in his direction, "Give me your iron one, I'm better with a bow, anyway."

"... Are you sure?"

I smiled, "As long as you give it back later, yes." With that we traded weapons.

After a minute I felt weight added to my quiver and I glanced questioningly towards the blonde.

"What? You said you're better with a bow."

I nodded and opened my mouth to thank him when I heard a twig snap ahead of us, catching our attention.

Bright emerald eyes glared at us from behind a rose bush and Tommy and I got into a fighting stance. after a moment the big cat leaped towards us as we swiftly dodged to separate sides. Tommy didn't miss a beat and slashed the blue sword down, slicing the cats left leg. It growled in anger and turned towards him and I shot an arrow into it's thigh. It hissed and jumped, glaring at us with pure hatred. I drew another arrow and shot, skimming the cat's shoulder as it dodged, getting slashed by Tommy's blade once more. It howled in more pain as it stalked towards him, keenly dodging my arrows. It slashed at him and the blonde deftly dodged. I watched in awe before getting snapped back into reality when the injured cat began pounding towards me. Shit.

Time seemed to slow for a moment. Thoughts raced through my mind. In a matter of seconds the large cat's fangs would find their way into my neck and I'll be a goner. The iron sword would be a better blocker but I'd have to unsheathed it from my belt and that would take too long. I opted for rolling to the side instead. I wouldn't have enough momentum to move out of the way completely but-

I was trusted to the side suddenly and a loud thud was heard behind me, followed by a loud yell of pain. I quickly scrambled to my feet and turned, seeing the cougar pinning Tommy down with it's teeth embedded into his shoulder. He withered beneath it and I felt as though I was stabbed though the chest at the mere sight.

I grabbed the iron sword and rushed at the cat pinning my friend and jabbed it in the side, effectively killing it. It howled in agony as it opened it's jaws wide, freeing Tommy, before crumbling to the floor.

"Tommy!" I quickly shoved the corpse's head off of him and helped him lean against a rock. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry! I should've been paying attention. Why did you do that? So reckless of you."

He groaned but managed a grin at me, "Me? Reckless? Says you, losing focus in the middle of a fight."

I gently swatted at his head and he chuckled, albeit painfully. "Shush." I eyed the blood seeping through his sleeve and tisked. "We need to patch you up. I have some bandages in my bag, take off your shirt while I find them."

"Excuse me?"

I sighed, "Please, don't humor yourself. Lay it over your chest and stomach but leave your right shoulder visible. I think I need to stitch some of the punctures so please. For your own good. "

I heard him grumble and hiss in pain as he did as told while I looked through my bag for my medical kit. Once I found it I sighed and readied myself for the wounds. "Tell me when you've covered yourself."

After a few seconds he replied, "'Ight. Fix my shoulder now please, woman."

I rolled my eyes as I turned and glanced at his shoulder. "Ouch."

"No shit."

I didn't say anything as I crawled over and knelt down, grabbing my canteen and wetting a cloth. I pressed it against the bloodied skin and he hissed.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"It's fine."

     Once the blood was mostly wiped away I could clearly make out the rugged punctured in his skin. I gently sealed them the best I could with my limited supplies and wrapped his shoulder in bandages. Once I was sure it was secured I nodded, glancing at his slightly trembling form. Tears were sitting on the corners of his eyes and he glanced at his shoulder, otherwise bot showing his pain.

     "You're an idiot," I remarked, turning so he can replace his shirt.

     He shuffled around, "Uh, huh. Again, says you."

     "I knew what I was doing."

     "I've been in my own fair share of fights, (Y/N). You would've died."

    I shook my head in denial. "Nope, I would've gotten injured but not died."

    "Still not good."

     "Oh? So I assume you being injured over me is less 'not good'"

     He hummed for a moment. "No, I suppose I'm more important."

     I chuckled, "You're ridiculous."

     "You're still my friend."

     "Yes. I suppose I can put up with how much of an idiot you are."

     "I am not an idiot!"


     "... You're annoying."

     "What are friends for?"

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now