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      My eyes snapped open and I bolted upright, panting. I wonder if Techno is up so I could ask for some water...? I glanced around to try and adjust to the light, only to see dull grey walls on three of the sides surrounding me, the last being metal bars. Wait... where was I? Surely Phil or Techno didn't lock me up or anything, right? They weren't that cruel.

      "I wonder if they're awake."

      My eyes widened in absolute terror when footsteps came down the hall, a dim, flickering torch light getting ever closer. No.. that couldn't have been...

     "Bad! Look, they're awake!"

     I whimpered, holding my head as I crouched in a corner. No. I can't be here. I was just with Tommy. Please tell me that all wasn't just a dream. Please, someone tell me this isn't real.

     "Oh, good! It's about time."

     I glanced through my hair and saw Skeppy and Bad staring at me maliciously through the bars. One of them opened the door, pulling me to my feet roughly.

     "No... Please, you have to let go!" I yelled and tried to pull away but I couldn't. My feet blindly followed them and my body showed no signs of fighting back. "Stop... No..."

     "Stop fussing. It'll only hurt for a second and then the Egg will have control over you. Completely. After all this time, you'll finally serve your purpose."

     I felt hot tears slowly fall down my face. "No, this isn't real..."

     "It is. What are you talking about?"

      Bad opened a door, allowing Skeppy to drag me in, shoving me down as I splashed into a kind of glass cage. I knew I could punch that glass into pieces but again, I couldn't move.

     After a moment a searing pain crawled up my legs and I looked down, crimson colored vines making their way slowly and painfully up my body.


     No... please. This can't be the end.


     I urged myself to move.


     My tears flowed freely as I sobbed, shaking violently from both terror and pain.


     My eyes opened quickly. Tears were flowing from my eyes and I quickly sat up, quivering. Someone had shaken me awake and I flinched back from their touch, forcing my body into a corner.

    "(Y/N)... Calm down." The blonde held up his hands carefully, being as cautious as one would when working with a scared animal. "It's just me. Tommy."

     I was panting, trying desperately to catch my breath. "Tommy..."


      More tears fell as I glanced around the room. Talking in the vibrant paint and cold draft. I was in the Tundra. With Tommy.

     I smiled weakly, lunging forward without much thought and tackling the boy into a hug. "Tommy..."
     He hesitated for a moment before hugging me back, gently trying to get me to sit back down. "Are you okay? I woke up to you crying and shaking... I didn't know what to do so I woke you up."

     I wiped away my tears despite knowing new ones would take their place. "I had a bad dream."

     "I can tell." When I didn't respond he spoke again, his tone gentle and comforting. "Do you want to talk about it?"

     "I..." I could still remember what happened vividly. The fear. The pain. "Bad and Skeppy took me..."

     "Bad and Skeppy? Why? They're pretty harmless aside from their pranks."

     "No..." I felt more tears start to fall. Normally I'd be mortified to show this much vulnerability in front of someone but right now I couldn't care less. "They're horrible. They work for the Egg..."

     "An Egg? (Y/N), I think it was just a really complicated nightmare. None of it was real."

     "No, Tommy, you don't understand. I was staying with them for a little while after I lost my life. I was created to be this vessel for this Egg guy and now Bad is after me and so is Skeppy." I leaned away from the boy, hugging myself tightly. "They're going to give me to him. He's going to take over me or something..." I couldn't even think straight at this point, the only sounds managing to escape me were barely audible whimpers.

     "Hey, hey. Don't worry. I'll keep you safe." Tommy reached out and hugged me, pulling me into him. "No one's going to hurt you. I swear by it."

     I could only shake my head, "What if... what if it's my destiny though...? I was created by him so isn't that my only purpose...?"

     "No? He may have created you but he doesn't control your life." Tommy soothing ran his fingers through my hair. It was all tangled and messy after I pulled at it in my sleep. "C'mon. Get some rest, there's no use crying about something that didn't happen, right? And, if you don't feel better in the morning we'll find something to do. Promise."

    "Okay..." He showed no intension of letting me go so I leaned against him, closing my eyes. "Thank you."

     "Of course..."

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now