Now I Must Rise Up

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     Tubbo glanced between his best friend and the green hooded man before him.

     "I trust that you'll do the thing that is right for your country," Dream sneered, placing a hand on the young president's shoulder.

     Tommy stared in defiance at Dream, having faith that he and Tubbo'a friendship could out-weigh Dream's threats. No matter what, they do things together. Right?

     Well, it seems that faith wasn't enough.

     "I'm sorry, Tommy," Tubbo mumbled quietly, looking down from the wall of purple stone to L'Manburg.

     "What...?" the blonde was dumbfounded. There was no way Tubbo was truly going to give in to Dream's demands and exile his best friend. After all they've been through...

     "Tommy, I'm sorry but I'm afraid you need to leave." he turned slowly towards the boy in question.

     "Tubbo you can't-"

     "Come, Tommy. I don't want to have to hurt you."

     Tommy stood, fighting back the tears that threatened to form in his blue eyes. "Tubbo, you... you can't be serious."

      The president merely turned his back, "Goodbye, Tommy."

      Dream grabbed the boy's arm and began to drag him away but Tommy yanked his arm away.

     "I'll leave in my own! I don't want to be here anyway." He rolled his sleeve into his palm and wiped the heart broken tears that silently slid down his face.


      "The rest is pretty self explanatory," he mumbled, playing with his sleeves. A single tear rested in his right eye and slowly toppled down his face.

     I reached over and gently wiped it away, sympathy glowing him my (e/c) eyes. "I'm so sorry, Tommy. It doesn't sound like you deserved that."

      Tommy shrugged, "It is what it is. All I can do is make sure that I make Dream pay." He hissed, glaring at the boat that was leaving into the sea which was just barely visible.

      I hummed, "I could help you with resources if you'd like."

      He scoffed, to my surprise, "I don't want your stupid pity presents. I can do stuff on my own."

     I raised a brow, "I'm offering help, not pity. You could've just declined my offer."

     He seemed to regret snapping at me, "I'm sorry. I'm just not so... well, ready to trust people."

     I nodded, "That's alright. I understand."

     He nodded, gazing up at the sky, seeming to get distracted. He then shivered slightly at a cold wind that swept by. He must be cold in nothing but those worn jeans and T-Shirt. Not to mention the cold winds that would sweep in from both the tundra and the ocean.

      I shook off my coat and plopped it gently over his shoulders.

     He was seemed taken aback. He looked at me with wide eyes, "Wha- Why?"

      I laughed, "You looked cold, dummy. Why else?"

      "What about you? Don't you get cold?"

     I shrugged, "You need it more. Plus, my tunic keeps me pretty warm."

     "Well, thank you, then." He stopped for a moment, thinking. "Do you mind if I kept this? Just until I can get my own? It gets quite cold at night..." he mumbled the last part sheepishly.

      "Yeah! Go ahead. I have plenty more at my cabin and I go hunting regularly so it's not a problem."

      He smiled gratefully and huddled into the soft coat, "Thank you."

      I smiled and looked up at the sky, "No problem."

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