A Salute for Henry

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I led Aster outside. It was still early morning but was awoken by the small pup when he pawed at my face, whimpering. Sometimes I wonder if he's part cat.

     "Here, boy. Go ahead and do what you gotta do," I mumbled tiredly, turning away as he went off to do his business. I yawned as I stared up at the beautiful twilight sky, the dark blues and purples contrasting nicely with the pink hues of the rising sun.

     I heard a small bark and glanced down, shushing the small wolf. "We mustn't be too loud. Tommy's still asleep, remember?"

     The pup pawed at me once more and growled selfishly. He then bent down and nudged a stick in my direction. Why does he have to be so cute?

      "You really want to play right now, Aster? It's so early."

      He looked up at me with his literal puppy dog eyes and I sighed, picking up the stick. He panted happily as he hopped back, awaiting my throw.

     "One, two, three," I whisper yelled as I tossed the stick away and Aster sprinted after it. We were still within the confines of my wall so no monsters could harm him. I smiled and sat down on the rim of the well as I waited for Aster to retrieve the stick for me. After a mere few seconds he came prancing back, the stick firm in his jaws and his head held proudly. I reached out to grab it and he growled, lowering himself to the ground and gnawing on his prize. I guess that's all he wanted me to do. 

     "'Morning, (Y/N)," a husky morning voice called to me.

      I smiled and scooted to the side, making some room beside me. "Good morning, Tommy. How did you sleep?"

     "Surprisingly well. It was pretty calming."

      "What was?"

     He shrugged and looked away, "The crickets."

      I chuckled, "Alright." I motioned to Aster, "I thought he wanted to play fetch but would much rather eat wood apparently."

      Tommy glanced down at the grey bundle of fur and laughed, "At least he's cute doing it."

     I nodded, "Yes."

      "I used to have a pet as well. He was a cow though."

      "Oh? Is he still in L'Manburg?"

      Tommy hesitated, "No. Sapnap killed him."

      "What?! That's horrible! How could someone kill someone else's pet?"

      Tommy shrugged, "I dunno, Sapnap is just like that I guess."

      I sighed and patted Aster's head. "What was your cow's name?"


       "Awh, that's a lovely name."

      "He was a lovely cow. A true big man."

      I nodded. "We could make him a kind of memorial if you want? A little grave to salute him with."

     Tommy tilted his head, "Oh, yeah. That sounds nice."

     I smiled and stood, "Let's get to work then!"

      Tommy chuckled and looked at me, "Already? You're more determined than the sun. It's not even up yet."

     I glanced towards the east and sighed. "You're right. I'll go make breakfast, then we can get started."

      Tommy smiled, "Alright. Call me when it's done, I'll hang with Aster till then."

     I smiled and ran inside, looking through my chests for ingredients. I should really build a farm for eggs sometime.


I wiped my hands against each other, sighing. "There we go! A nice little memorial for your Henry. Overlooking the sea."

Tommy smiled gently and crouched down, placing a hand on the grey stone with rough carvings that read 'Memorial to Big Man Henry, the best cow in history.' "Thank you for helping with this."

I smiled and shook my head, stepping back to give him space, "No problem. It was only right."

He sighed and stood, dropping the bouquet of flowers he'd gathered right in front of the rock. "Rest in peace, Henry." With that he turned to me and smiled, "This is actually a really good thing... it's helping me move on a bit."

I grinned, "Good. I'm glad I could help you."

He nodded, walking over and giving me a short embrace. "You're a great friend."

I smiled, "Right back at you."

He chuckled, which caused me to laugh. After a mere few moments we had toppled to the floor, unsure of why we were so gleeful. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful day and I couldn't have wish for more.

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