Lazy Conversations

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      "(Y/N). I have a question." Tommy and I were lying in a small meadow  of various flowers, watching clouds float by. Aster was between us, head on my leg, snoring softly.

      "Yeah?" I turned my head towards him slightly, eyes still scanning the clouds.

      "Where are you from?"

     I thought for a moment. "I'm not really sure. I vaguely remember some red things and fire. I was too young though, so mu memory is really hazy. There was some kind of voice taking care of me though. Cryptic and strange but helpful of a voice."

      He was silent for a moment. "That's weird." He paused again, "My brother hears voices, too. He never really talks about them though. Maybe it's the same one?"

      I hummed, flicking a bothersome lock of (h/c) hair out of my face. "Maybe."

      There was another silence as we basked in the spring sun.

      "If the voice kept you alive where were your parents?"

      "I mean, there was a lot of fire so maybe they burned. Either that or they ran off, leaving me. I dunno."

      "Oh. I'm sorry. Well, if it makes you feel better Phil found me in the woods and doesn't really know who my mom is."

      "Wait, but I thought you said he's your dad?"

      "Yeah, he is but... Wow I guess his story really doesn't add up. Either I'm adopted or he's lying about my mom."

      I chuckled quietly, "Well, at least you have a guardian."

      He shrugged, "Yeah. Sorry you lost yours."

      I smiled, glancing at him and seeing he was staring at me. "It's alright. Nothing we can do."

      He nodded and looked away, causing me to let out a short giggle.

      "Anyway, how do you know so much about the world?"

      "I collect notes and books from travelers."

      "Wow. You and Ghostbur would get along," he mused. "What's the coolest thing you've found?"

      "Well, I got this old leather book from a ruined town about a year ago. It was so old the title was illegible but the words inside were fine. Apparently it's the diary of a Lord from an ancient town. Never said her name but apparently there were Wyverns and magic. Gods too, although it could have been fiction."

      "Woah. Were there pictures?"

      "No, sadly. I did find a couple cool things from the ruins though. There was even a dog collar. I think it reads 'Thorgi'."

       "Weird name for a dog."

       "Well, maybe they had plants called Thorgi's or something and the owner really liked them. You never know."

      He shrugged, "I guess. Now I want a Wyvern."

      I chuckled, "There's a book on them. They sealed the barrier between their world and ours long ago."

       "Really? Sucks."

      "Yes. It sure does. Imagine riding one. I heard the golden ones were the strongest."

       "I'd love a golden one. He'd be a big man just like me." 

       I smiled, "No one's as big a man as you, Tommy."

      He stayed silent and when I turned to him he was grinning, a teasing light glowing in his eyes. "Did you just compliment me?"

      "Well, yes, dummy."

      He huffed, playfulness still playing in his blue eyes, "And the moment's gone."

       I laughed, "You're ridiculous." 

       "Wow thank you, you're great too."

       I smiled and closed my eyes, "I didn't mean it."

       "I know."

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