The Blade

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      "(Y/N)!" Tommy yelled in a whiny voice.

      I turned, placing my book down in the grass, "Yes, Tommy? Is everything okay?"

      He waved his hand, standing in front of me, blocking the rising sun. "Nope, I just wanted your attention. I'm more important than words anyway."

      I shook my head, carefully placing a book mark on the page I was on and placing the closed journal in my lap. "Okay, why did you need my attention?"

      He grinned down at me victoriously and placed his hands on his waist, "Well, you said you saw a piglin hybrid and a man with wings, yeah?"

       "Yes...?" I wasn't quite sure if I liked where this was going."

       "I want you to take me to them."

       I sighed, "Tommy, I don't know. They don't seem too friendly."

       "They're fine, trust me."

       "Tommy, I don't want to risk anything. Besides, they aren't normal people like us. One is a piglin hybrid, what if he attacks us, there's a reason they disassociated from others."

       Something changed in his blue eyes and he sighed, sitting besides me. "(Y/N), they are my family, there's no reason for you to be scared. Besides, no one would deal with a big man like me."

       I smiled, "Thanks, Tommy." I sighed, "Alright, then. Let me just get my things and we can go."

       Tommy did a small victory punch in the air before hopping up and following me to my cabin. I put my book away, fed Aster, and grabbed my sword.

       "Aster, be a good boy and make sure my house is alright while I go with Tommy to the Tundra, alright?"

       The growing wolf barked and spun in a tight circle.

       I smiled and headed out, walking up to Tommy. "Follow me."


      "(Y/N). It's cold," Tommy muttered through chattering teeth.

       "Well, I did say it was in the tundra, didn't I?" I tried to stifle my own shivering to no avail.

       "Then why didn't you bring some kind of blanket or jacket? 'Least then we could share it and be less cold."

      "Blankets and jackets are heavy, dummy."

       "So? At least I wouldn't be dying."

       "You're not dying."

       "My hands are!"

       I glanced back, inwardly face palming when I saw him holding up his pale hands to his face. "Tommy, pockets."

        He looked over at me and huffed, "Too late. Help me."

       I rolled my eyes, pulling my own hands out of my pockets and grabbing his. I clasped our hands together tightly and rubbed my hands against his, hoping the friction would generate some form of heat. Apparently it worked.

       Tommy sighed, "Thank you, (Y/N)."

       I sighed and gave him a quick smile, "No problem, now, Let's keep going."

        Not long later the large house was visible.

       "Hey! Get off my estate! You damage anything and the property value's gonna go down!" Tommy and I both turned, startled at the sudden voice.

       A tall, maybe 7ft tall piglin hybrid stood there, crossbow pointed at the two of us. He wore a long cape and very expensive looking clothes. Not only that but a golden crown adorned his head a d he glared with dark, golden colored eyes.

      Behind him stood another man, shorter by only a foot and looking curiously at his from the shade of his hat. Large dark grey wings hung proudly from his back. He had a matching outfit with the other man but his stature was much more compact.


       "Yes, Philza, it's me! I came to say hi and I brought my friend, (Y/N)."

       The one named techno immediately lowered his weapon, a small grin forming. "Tommy."

       "Uh, yeah. Hi Techno," Tommy muttered quietly, scratching his arm. He also slightly moved to stand in front of me. "Nice to see you again, I guess."

       The hybrid sighed, looking down, "I'm sorry. I took it too far. I hope you can forgive me."

        "I mean, seeing as you're my only real brother left I kind of have to." Tommy looked up, offering the man a thin smile.

       "Thank you, Tommy." He walked over, giving my friend a strong hug before letting go and looking at me. "So, (Y/N), huh?"

       I gulped and nodded, "Yup, that's my name." Something about him gave me the creeps.

       He stared, muttering to himself as his eyes seemed to darken. He shook his head roughly after a minute, though. "Sorry for starin' my mind wandered for a bit. C'mon inside, you guys'll catch a cold."

      I glanced at Tommy before following Techno into the house where I assumed Phil had already gone into earlier.

      "Say, Tommy. If Philza is your dad why don't you have wings?"

       He chuckled, "I'll uh, explain some other time."

       I nodded, not wanting to press any further and entered the house.

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