I Hate Your Friend

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     "Hello, Tommy. Who's your new friend?"

Tommy stood his ground firmly and glanced back at you, "Uh."

"I know they're there. It's rude not to introduce us y'know."

Tommy beckoned me to stand next to him. I stood and did so.

On the ground just outside stood a tall figure. He was wearing a green hoodie and jeans. Over that, however he had a dark gleaming purple set of armor. A cross bow and sword that also sparkled, much like Tommy's compass, were throw onto his back. The scariest part was his mask. He wore his hood over his head and a green scarf around his neck so it was hard to tell but it seemed as if it wasn't a mask at all but a floating sphere with a smiley face on it. Even the face looked creepy. The eyes were long and placed so far away from each other it made me feel as though I was looking at him through a fish eye lens.

Tommy turned to me and I could see the hesitation on his expression. "(Y/N). This is Dream," he glanced at Dream and motioned towards me with his hand. "Dream, this is (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I must ask though, where are you from?"

"Nice to meet you, as well." I stopped for a moment and gazed at the tall man. "I'm not sure why my place of origin would concern you."

He chuckled and placed his hands behind his back, "I run a country across the sea and I like to keep track of the people here. Is there another civilization nearby?"

"No, there are no civilizations that I know of."

"Well, then your existence is quite a mystery isn't it?"

I crossed my arms and huffed, "A mystery that does not concern you."

I felt the Dream man glare down at me and I simply gave him a level stare. "Listen here, girl. I need to eradicate any people who may try to over take me."

"I thought you said you lived across the sea? The land here doesn't belong to you. Really, you're on Tommy's land. I think you should be a bit nicer. We could kick you out."

"And how would you do that? With force?" He laughed, "No one can kill me."

I hummed, "Have you fought everyone in existence?"

"Not yet but I'm willing to add you to the list of people I have."

"Guys! Please get along!"

I glanced at Tommy, "Why? He's being a douche bag." I heard Dream scoff but ignored him.

"Yes, but," Tommy sighed, "I can't afford you guys killing each other."

"Tommy, I believe you mean that you can't afford me killing her," Dream sneered.

"Mhm, I'd like to see you try."

Within second of those words leaving my mouth I felt a blade being pressed against my neck. Tommy looked extremely distressed as he watched Dream threaten me but I remained unfazed. Internally I was horrified by this man's lighting fast speed but I wasn't about to show it.

"Don't test me, child."


"That all?" I felt the blade press harder against my skin and I could feel a small trickle of hot liquid.


Dream scoffed and sheathed his weapon. "Tommy. I hope you're not planning on defying my rules again?"

"No, Dream. I'm not going near L'Manburg and (Y/N) didn't even come from there. If you want you can check with Ghostbur. He's met her once."

"And why were you keeping this a secret from me?"

Tommy seemed to shrink under Dreams gaze, "I'm not sure, I thought you'd hurt her."

Dream chuckled and placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "So long as you follow my rules no one get's hurt. Remember?"


Dream nodded and turned, sending me one last glare. "I'm going to go back now. Have fun doing whatever it is you do here in Logstedshire."

Tommy and I watched as Dream went in the direction of the Nether portal. Once he was a comfortable distance away from us I rubbed my neck, gently feeling the cut I received.

"Ow. What a dick."

Tommy turned to me with a worried expression. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I would've checked on you earlier but Dream just kept talking."

I smiled at him, "Yeah I'm alright, it's a small cut. He must have a really sharp blade. I'm sure that sword could cut through any bone as if it were butter."

"Yeah," Tommy gently lifted my chin with his hand and looked at the cut. "Let me patch it up for you."

I nodded, blushing lightly when he let me go, "You don't have to."

"No, No. I insist."

"Alright. Oh, and Tommy?"

He glanced at me, "Yeah?"

"I hate your friend."

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