Family Talk

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I opened my door and yawned. It was the next day after Dream had threatened me and I had just fallen asleep when there was a knock at the door. Small glimmers of the stars could be seen through the thick canopy of oak leaves and I rubbed my eyes to see who was visiting me so late in the night.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" I heard Tommy chirp happily.

I chuckled and let him inside while waving lazily, "You're awfully cheerful today."

He shrugged, "Dream came by but didn't ask about you so I think he's not upset. Besides, Ghostbur stopped by and said hello! Oh, he said to tell you he says hi."

I smiled, "Oh, when you see him again tell him I say hello as well."

The blonde nodded, "Okay." He the. glanced curiously at my neck, "Is your cut alright?"

I reached up and ran my fingers over the delicately wrapped bandages Tommy had applied for me. "Yeah, it feels much better, thank you."

"Here," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a clean roll of linen. "Let me redo the bandages."

"You don't have to."

"I want to."

"Well I don't need you to."

"Let me help you, woman," he huffed, already reaching up and undoing the previous cloths.

I stayed still and held up my chin, glaring playfully at Tommy the whole time he checked on my cut. "Someone's awfully caring today."

"What do you mean?! I'm always caring."

I smirked, "Today more than usual."

He looked away, crossing his arms, "Well I'm sorry I'm trying to be a good friend."

I laughed and patted his head, opening my mouth to say something when there was a quiet growl from the corner of the room.

Aster looked up at us from his little carpet and glared sleepily.

"Sorry, boy. We'll be quiet," I whispered to which Aster simply went back to sleeping.

"Why's he so smart?" Tommy mumbled to me.

I giggled, "I dunno. He's just a special pupper I guess." I grabbed Tommy's hand and led him to the door, "Let's go outside so we don't wake him."

Tommy nodded, "Good idea."

Once outside I dragged him to the area behind my house because there were less trees and the night sky was clearly visible there.

"So, why'd you come visit me so late?"

"I dunno, I guess I just wanted to make sure you were alright after what happened yesterday."

"Alright," I smiled and watched the stars. Phantoms flew across the sky, ignoring us as they searched for more sleep-deprived prey.

Tommy followed my gave and smiled, "It's really pretty here."

I nodded, "I know, right? That's why I built my cabin here."

"Huh," he hummed and let us fall into silence for a moment. "Hey, (Y/N)? Can I ask you a question?"


"Where did you come from? I never really though about it but after Dream brought it up I can't stop thinking about it."

I shrugged, "I'm not sure, actually. I was raised by a wandering trader. They never really spoke and died when I was maybe ten. I just kind of traveled around until settling here maybe a year ago."

"Oh. I'm sorry," Tommy mumbled, placing his hand on mine.

"It's alright. What're your parents like?"

Tommy hummed, "Well, I was really raised by my brothers. My dad never favored me and I'm not sure who my mother was. Ghostbur, when he was alive, was known as Wilbur. He was like my dad, teaching me stuff. My best friend, Tubbo, and I used to do everything together.." He trailed off, smiling gently to himself. "I miss them."

I frowned and gently squeezed his hand, "I'm sorry, Tommy."

He glanced at me and smiled, "It wasn't all bad, though! I got to meet you and all."

I smiled, "Yeah. I just wish I could help you see the people you love again."

"Mhm," he hummed, setting his eyes back towards the sky.

"Wait, Tommy, do you know of a guy with long pink hair and a crown? He hangs out with another dude with a white and green hat?"

"Uh, that sounds like Techno and Phil..." He furrowed his brow and looked at me, "Why?"

I brightened, "I've seen them! They live nearby! Maybe I could take you to see them sometime."

Tommy grinned, "Alright! Sounds like fun."

I nodded happily, "Yes! We should sleep for today, though." I glanced around and could hear the gentle groans of far off zombies. "You can stay here for the night."

Tommy chuckled, "Out here by the well? What a kind offer."

I playfully punched his arm and glared, "Not out here, stupid. In my cabin! I have extra blankets and stuff that you can lay on the floor and it'll be comfy as can be."

He smiled and got up, extending a hand towards me, "Okay! Sounds good."

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now