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       I lied in the grass. I could still feel the pain of the fire but I couldn't move. The burning sensation was starting to give way, however. Slowly, my body returned to me and I jolted upwards. I gasped, trying to understand what had happed.

      Dream threw me into the lava. I should be dead. How am I here?

      I looked down and realized I was in a simple white shirt with white shorts. My previous attire was now gone and the cold winds caused me to shiver slightly. I glanced at my mostly bare arms and nearly screamed. The backs of my arms which were once clear of any blemished were now covered with scars. They were bumpy and darker  than my usual (s/c) skin. It was bumpy and seemed to lace together. After a few moments of contemplation I came to the conclusion that these were burn scars. I looked at my legs and saw that they spread across the backs of them as well. I brought a hand up to my shoulders and felt it there too. My hair was still intact though, at least. I let out a quiet whimper, looking up and around me, only seeing Spruce trees and some haphazardly built walls.

      I heard the crunching of feet on leaves. "Hello? Is someone there?"

      I panicked and tried to stand, failing quite badly. "N-No!"

      I heard a chuckle. It was definitely male, which didn't make the situation better. "Who are you? Nikki? Quackity?" He chuckled. "Fundy?"

       "Wait, you know Fundy? Like, the fox man?"

       "Yeah?" Worry crept into the mans deep voice. "Are you okay? You seem genuinely confused."

       I bit my nails. "I am. Who are you?"

       "My name is Eret. I've been watching this place to watch out for people like you. I'm assuming you lost a life." His footsteps got closer. Although he may be Tommy's friend I was still scared. I was in no was capable to fight in case something went wrong.

     "What do you mean?"

      Who I assumed was Eret rounded a tree and looked down at me. He wore quite fancy attire, a long royal mantle flowing from his shoulders. Not only that but on his head he adorned a regal looking crown. "I mean you died a few moments ago, yes?" I nodded, shaking. "Love, are you alright? You seem quite shaken up." He unclipped the mantle, placing it around my shoulders, blocking the cold air. "Besides that I've never seen you before. What's your name?"

      I gratefully wrapped myself in the thin fabric, thankful for the small warm and comfort it gave. "My name is (Y/N). Where... am I?"

      "Well, we call if 'spawn'. When we die we come back here by default." He furrowed his brows. "Can you stand? It's cold out and we need to get you somewhere safe before nightfall."

     I shook my head. "I'm sorry, my legs are too weak."

      He merely waved away my apology and picked me up. I didn't like it but it's better than getting eaten by zombies.

     "So... Eret, was it? What do you mean by when someone dies?"

      He sighed, "So far, it's been proven that everyone has three lives. Until you die for your third life you will respawn here when you fall." He ducked under a small hole in the wall and walked through the forest, still carrying me.

     "I see."

     We were both silent for a moment. "Where were you living before you died?"

     I hesitated slightly, knowing that Tommy was exiled and may be considered a criminal here. "I was with Tommy."

     The brunettes eyes widened slightly, "Really? Interesting."

      "Do you know him?"

      "Yes. He's not too fond of me, though."

      I nodded slightly.

     "Do you know anyone in L'Manburg? You mentioned Fundy earlier. If not, I don't mind letting you stay with me but I figured being with someone you know would make you more comfortable."

     "I met Fundy once. I also know Bad. I met him a few days ago."

     The man hummed, "Bad is closer. Do you want to see if he can help you for tonight?"

      I nodded, "Sure."

      He carried me for a long time, surprisingly not getting tired, until we reached a huge white mansion.

     "Woah," I breathed out. It was amazing.

      Eret put me down gently, letting me hold his arm for support as he knocked on the door.

     After a few seconds the door opened and a man with dark brown hair and a fully blue outfit stood there. "Hi. Eret? And... person I've never seen before. What are you guys doing here?"

      "Hi, Skeppy. Is Bad here? I need to ask him if he can help (Y/N) out."

     "Oh yeah, sure." Skeppy took a fee paces back into the house and yelled, "BAD! ERET AND SOME PERSON ARE HERE TO SEE YOU!"

      Some person. Nice.

      "Oh?" I heard the kind hearted demon say as his footsteps approached the door. "What can I-" His eyes widened when he saw me. "(Y/N)?"

      I carefully removed one of my hands from Eret's arm and waved.

      "What happened?"


       "They died and respawned here. I was wondering if you can help them out. At least until they can get back home."

       "Of course!" Bad took each of my hands in his and helped me stumble inside.

       I turned, handing him his mantle back to him, "Thank you so much, Eret."
       He man shrugged, "You needed help. Besides, the leSt I can do for Tommy is to help put his friend." He turned and began walking away, "Bye, now."

     I waved as the blue-clad boy from earlier closed the door. "What happened to you?"

     "Skeppy! Be nice, obviously they've been through bad things." He led me over to a clean diamond blue couch. "Do you need anything? Food, water?"

     "Water would be nice, thank you."

     He nodded, "You can sleep here for today." He turned, running off. "Skeppy, bring them some blankets and pillows!"


      After a fee moments the two of them brought me the things and handed them to me. I drank the water, though my hands were shaking, and then cuddled into the soft blankets.

      "Anything else, (Y/N)?" Bad stared at me for a moment, wide eyed.

     I shook my head, resting it onto the pillow. "No, I'm alright. Thank you so much. You too, Skeppy." I smiled gratefully.

      Skeppy shrugged and walked off.

      Bad glanced at his friend with a sigh before patting my head slightly. "Good night then, (Y/N). If you need anything just yell for me. I'll be upstairs." With that, he turned off the redstone lights, something I wasn't familiar with, and ran off in the same direction Skeppy had gone off to.

     I was scared but at least I was getting help. I just hope Tommy is alright. As my eyes began drooping I made a mental note to get back to the blonde and Aster as soon as I can.

Quick (A/N):

I changed the whole "you respawn at your bed" thing for the plot. So, whenever someone dies then they always respawn at the Spruce forest respawn location. :)
Also, while I'm here thank you so much for so many reads and votes. I literally brought this up during my Speech course. I love you all so much!

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