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     "Maybe this is a bad idea."

      "Oh, come on. We can't just pussy out now. We're already here."

      I rolled my eyes and smiled at Tommy's crude language. "Alright fine." I took a step forwards and paused. "Do you think we left Aster with enough food?"

     It was his turn to roll his eyes as he stepped forward, patting me on the back, "We left him with more than half of that deer. It's more than enough. The more time we waste worrying the more time he's left alone." Tommy motioned to the entrance of the cave. "Let's just get the obsidian and go."

      Taking a deep breath I nodded, "Alright, alright. Fine. Let's go."

     He smiled and grabbed my hand, leading us into the dark cave.

      We had only walked for a fee feet before the sunlight was blocked completely. I tugged on Tommy's hand to get him to stop walking and pulled out a prepared torch and lit it. It's bulky but it'll last.

     "Okay, now we can continue."
     "Alright. I'll hold the torch though."

     "Are you sure?"

     "Yes," he replied, already grabbing it. "Besides, you have the sword."

      Oh, right. monsters might lurk in caves. "Right." I glanced down at the sheathed blade on my waist. "I have the sword."

      "Did you forget monsters spawn in caves?" Tommy teased.

      "Yes- I mean no! No, I didn't." He smirked at me, unconvinced. "Okay, whatever just... shut up!"


      We were walking down and I could feel it getting... murkier? Cavier? I'm not sure what it was but I knew I was deeper than before. We'd encountered a few zombies and skeletons on the way down, all of them died instantly when met with my blade. It's pretty scary to think about what this think could do against a person. Cut through bone? I wouldn't doubt it.

     Something fell from above me and I glanced up, seeing small grains of grey falling down from above us.

      "Tommy," I whispered, grabbing his arm and pulling him backwards. "The roof looks unstable here."

      "Oh, please," Tommy whispered back. "As long as we're quiet it'll be fine."

      "No, we should find another way."

      "(Y/N), we don't really have time-"

      A hissing sounded behind us and we spun around. However, we were too slow. The creeper exploded, knocking the two of us forwards, into the line of gravel that was now plummeting down onto us,

     I was able to stand before I was covered but Tommy was buried somewhere under all the rubble. Shit, shit, shit. I grabbed the wall closest to me and pulled myself out, rushing to dig at the gravel that was moving slightly.

      C'mon. c'mon.

      A hand popped it self out of the debris and I grabbed onto him, pulling his out with all the strength I had. Finally, after what felt like forever, a blonde head emerged and he began gasping for breath.

      I continued to pull him out, "Oh, Tommy. Thank god you're alright." He wheezed painfully as I tugged on his torso. Good thing was that it was getting easier.

      "Stop," he let out a pained cough and pushed at my arms once he was free from the gravel. "Hurts."

      I loosened by grip hut kept my hands on him. Two bumps were on his back where bumps normally wouldn't be. "Tommy, are you hurt? There's something on your back."

      He winced and pulled away from me, shooting me a smile. "I'm fine. I swear."

      I gave him a concerned look. "Let me see your back. That's not normal, Tommy."

      "No. I'm fine," he let out another wheeze. "It's just a bit tight is all."

      "What's tight?"

      "Did I say tight? I meant hurt. Yeah, hurt."

      I gave him a warning glance, "Tommy, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

      He looked down guiltily and sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you. You can't tell anyone though, okay?"

      "I promise," I said, moving closer to him.

      "Remember when Techno was saying that I'm a hybrid like him? But I kept denying it?"

      "Yeah, that was a bit weird."

      "Well, I am a hybrid. I have wings like Phil."

      "What? Really? That's so cool!"

      He sighed, "I thought so too. But uh, ever since I was little I never really... used them?" He grabbed my hand and traced little figures on it. He likes to do that when he's nervous. "Will never had any so I felt bad. I thought he's be jealous if he was the only normal one in the family. Then, when I met my other normal friends and... I really wanted to fit in. So, I kind of... tie up my wings. I did it again last night but... I did it tighter than usual so the gravel really hurt."

       "Tommy... you shouldn't do that. You'll hurt yourself. We have to get those binding off of you."

      "But then I'll be... different."

      "So?" I ruffled his hair gently. "Just because you're different isn't bad. I med Tubbo once. He has horns and goat ears. Does that make him... bad?"


      "Are you jealous of him?"

      "Not particularly."

      "See," I smiled at him. "Being normal or being different... it really makes no difference." He smiled and nodded. "Alright then, give me your shirt while you unbind those wings. I'll cut some holes in the back for you."

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now