Who's a Good Boy

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"Yes! Finally!" Tommy shouted running as fast as he could to my cabin. He tried to climb over the wall but fell when his shoulder gave out. "Ow. What the fuck-"

I giggled and walked over extending a hand towards him, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine." He grabbed my hand with his good one and allowed me to help him up. "Just didn't think my damn hand would hurt so bad."

"Shoulder," I corrected. "And it's a given that it will hurt, silly."

He rolled his eyes. "I've literally been stabbed before and yet this is way worse." He glanced at my worried expression and sighed, "I mean, not way worse I'm just being over dramatic."

"Alright... What about being stabbed?"

He shrugged, "Don't worry about it."

"Alright," I replied hesitantly. Ugh, he says the weirdest things. For the love of Notch, get this man some help.

       I led him around to my gate and once we were on my property a ball of grey fuzz tackled me to the floor, licking sloppily at my face.

       I giggled, "Aster- Aster, off." I laughed more when he continued. "Buddy, please." I grabbed him from under his forearms and gently placed him to my side as I got up.

       Aster barked happily and wagged his tail as he patiently waited for me to shower him with more affection. I smiled as I got up and glared playfully at Tommy when I caught his stare.

       "Staring is rude," I remarked.

      He snapped out of his revere and glanced away, "Sorry."

      I chuckled, "You're good. I'm just teasing." 

      Aster growled lightly and nudged my foot, barking when I smiled down at him.

      "Aww, does my little baby want my attention all to himself?" I cooed with a baby voice, making my 'little' sound like 'wittle.'

     I picked Aster up and he barked happily. Unknown to me, he lulled his tongue out towards Tommy, as though mocking him for not getting as much attention.

     "C'mon, Tommy. I'll make us some dinner and then you can head back to your tent."

      "Alright!" he ran up behind me and smiled, following me inside.


     Tommy and I were walking down past the shallow lake as he went back to Logstedshire. The stars reflected across the water beautifully and I was in awe.

      "You don't have to walk me back, y'know."

       I turned my attention back to Tommy. "I know, but I want to make sure no zombies attack you. Your shoulder is still hurt and you won't be able to wield a sword as effectively."

       "Alright, I get it, you have a put together explanation. I don't need to hear about how weak you think I am."

      I chuckled, "I don't think you're weak, you idiot. I just want to make sure you're safe." We reached tnret and I smiled. "I trust you'll be alright from here on out."

     "Yeah, you got that right."

      I waved, turning to leave, "Good night then, Tommy."

      He nodded. "Goodnight. Oh, and um-" he opened his mouth to say something then shook his head, "Let me know when you finish my clothes."

     I smiled, "Aye' Aye'" I saluted playfully then left back home.

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