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      "Bad? What was that?"

He spun around, staring at me in alarm as he rested back onto the counter, 'discreetly' kicking the cabinet door closed. "(Y/N)!" he chuckled nervously. "Wh-why are you up?"

I hardened my gaze, "Answer my question."

He shook his head, "Repeat the question, please...?"

"You put something weird into my soup. What was it?"

He stared at me. "Salt."

"No. You put something in only mine. It was in a vial. If you move, I'll show you it."

He swallowed. "(Y/N), I think your fever is-"

"Dammit, Bad! Tell me what it was!"

He flinched, "Poison."

I glared, tears pricking my eyes. This is why I don't trust people. This is why I hate being near more than three people at a time. Betrayal. "Why?"

"...I can't let you leave."

"So what, you were going to kill me?"

"No, it can't kill you. Just make you sick."

      I practically growled at him. The audacity. "Fuck you." He opened his mouth to shout 'language' but I cut him off. "Oh? So you're going to tell me not to use crude language when you were poisoning me to keep me as your captive? Not cool. I see why Tommy disliked you."

     The man flinched, "I'm sorry! I didn't have a choice!"

     "Didn't have a choice my ass." I stepped away, towards what I hoped was the front door. "Everyone always has a choice."

"That's not true. Not when the Egg gets you."

I widened my eyes, "You're working with that... that thing!" I spun around, running at the door and throwing it open, dashing as fast as I could into the night. Wait. Night?! I stumbled. Between having a splitting headache and my initial confusion at the time of day it was hard to run.

"Get back here, (Y/N)! The Egg needs you!" I heard him gaining on me and a weight was forced upon my smaller frame, crashing us down. He growled, rolling us until he had me pinned. "You're not going anywhere."


He smiled, "Really?"

I hummed, "Mhm."

He sighed, letting his guard down and beginning to stand. "I was so afraid I'd have to hurt you-"

I used as much strength as I could muster and hoisted my feet up, kicking upwards into his crotch, making him yelp in pain. Men are so easy to disarm. I then scrambled to my feet and took off in a random direction, hearing him yell after me.

Damn it. Damn it all.

After what felt like ages my adrenaline was running low and the pain in my side from being knocked over to the headaches I was having from the poison were finally getting to me. Not to mention the slight nausea which I could only assume was from not eating anything yet and running.

Up ahead I saw a women walking with a basket in her hands. Next to her was Ghostbur, chatting away.

Ghostbur. He seems harmless and I'm sure I could fight that girl if it came down to it. Plus, maybe the undead man could help me get back home.

     "Ghostbur!" I shouted as quietly as I could once I approached.

     He glanced up, taken aback from my disheveled appearance. "(Y/N)?! What are you doing here? Are you alright?"

     "No time to explain," I panted. "Please tell Bad that I went in the opposite direction or something. I really need your help."

     "I don't like lying..."

     "Sure thing. Go hide over there," the woman said, pointing to a large bush. Her soft voice soothed me slightly and I nodded.

     "Thank you," I muttered, running off.

     After a fee moments Bad ran up, only this time he was with Skeppy who held a few bolas. "Hey, Niki! Ghostbur! We're looking for a person with (h/l) (b/c) hair. There were wearing a blue hoodie." He motioned to Skeppy, "One of Skeppy's."

     The pretty woman hummed in false thought. "Oh! Do they look a little sickly?"

     "Yes! That's them!"

     She pointed down a path that led towards what seemed to be a forest. "They ran that way. Very strange. I hope you find them soon."

     Bad nodded rapidly. "Me too!" He turned running off with Skeppy. "Thanks, Niki!"

     "Of course! Good luck!"

     The world seemed to hold it's breath as we waited fir the two men to fully disappear. Once they did however, Niki ran up to me.

     "Are you okay?" She asked quietly, pulling me up by the arm, urging me to follow her. "Why are they after you?"

      I sucked in a shakey breath. "Their boss wants me or something."

     She sighed. "I know a place you can stay. It's a secret place and I think only me and one other knows about it."

     "Who's the other person?"

     "A boy named Tommy. He was actually very sweet."

     I gasped. "I know him. Please, I need to get back to him."

     "I can help you-"

     "Wi- Ghostbur, be logical. It's not safe for them to go back now. If Bad is looking for them then that's the first place they'll look." She glanced back down at me. "I'm sorry but I think it is best to wait a couple of days for the search to blow over."

     I sighed. The emotional side if me wanted to leave immediately but my logic stood in the way. "Okay." I hesitated. "How do I know you won't hurt me."

     "I can't prove anything to you but Tommy was a good friend of mine. I wouldn't do anything to hurt him." She glanced down at me. "He cares deeply for his friends and so hurting you will cause him pain. However, if you don'f trust me I understand. Trust isn't something you see often here anyway."

    I sighed, I didn't want to be with her but considering she seems to know her way around it's my only bet to escape from Bad. At least until I can get myself back up to my full strength. God, this place is terrifying.

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