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      I woke up. Last night was a complete blur. I remember Bad poisoned me so I ran away. Now, he's after me along with Skeppy and a nice lady and Ghostbur saved me. They took me far away to this secluded house by some long ass minecart tracks.

     I held my head in my hands. I've always been alone but now I felt alone. I'm separated from my only friend. My poor puppy Aster could be dead by now unless someone's been feeding him. Two of the people I had put my trust in betrayed me and are now trying to capture me for who knows why! I'm in some house I don't recognize. I don't know where I am. I don't know how to get home. And to top it all off I'm apparently some kind of vessel for some weird ass egg!

     Since when can eggs speak anyway?! Y'know what? From now on I'm eating scrambled eggs for breakfast. That'll show it!

     A knock sounded at my door and I tensed. Shit. It's Bad isn't it. Or maybe Dream? What if it's something worse-

     "It's Niki. The girl from yesterday. I brought you some supplies."

     Oh. Her. I hesitantly got up, peeking out the door.

     She smiled gently although I could see the pity in her dark blue eyes. "Hi there."

     "Hi," I stammered. I opened the door more fully, seeing she had a large basket with her.

     "Here, there's some bread from my bakery and some medical herbs and such. In case you don't trust me however, I added a fee regular eggs. So you'll have something to eat at least." She then handed me an iron sword which she had strapped to her back. "This is in case someone attacks you."

     My eyes widened, taking all of the generous offerings. "Oh my god, thank you so much. I'll repay you-"

    "No, don't worry about it. Although, I'd like to know your name? Ghostbur told me but I figured you should be allowed to say it."

     "Oh, yeah." I quickly placed the items on a table next to the door. "My name is (Y/N)."

     She nodded, smiling, "Alright. It's a great name, by the way." She flicked her pink and blonde hair over her shoulder. "I'm Niki, although you probably already caught onto that."

     I chuckled. "Yeah."

     She hummed on thought. "There was something else I needed to tell you... Oh! Right, I'll let you know when Bad's searching for you is done so you can get back home. Will you need a boat?

     I hummed, "Will I have to cross a body of water?"


     "Then yes. I'll need a boat. Although I can make it myself."

     She waved a hand. "Oh hush. I'm closer to the sea anyway. Besides, I can easily get the materials."

     "I guess you have a point... but you've already done so much."
     She merely shrugged, "You needed help. Besides, it's not like anyone else was around to help you. Besides, you're still a kid. I couldn't have left you alone in this state."

      "Well, thank you so much. I won't forget this."

      "Alright. I'm off then. Ghostbur may come over later but he and I are the only ones who know of this place. I'm 99% sure you'll be completely safe." With that she turned, leaving me."

     I sighed, she seems really nice. Granted, I though that about Bad and he turned out to be really shitty. I closed the door, looking through the basket. There were half a dozen eggs, a loaf of bread which had chocolate chips in it, a couple herbs such as Lavender and Cayenne Peppers. Lastly, there was a roundish object wrapped in a cloth. I gently unwrapped it and gasped, nearly falling backwards. It was a golden apple. These things are quite expensive and difficult to make. Although, they are known to greatly increase your abilities such as healing and fighting. Niki really shouldn't have.

     I then turned. The iron sword was in pristine condition. As if it was just forged. It wasn't too big either, making it easy for me to wield. Ugh that woman is being too nice. She barely knows me!

     I sat down, eating the bread. Maybe I should be more cautious but Niki was giving me really good vibes. I couldn't help it.

     Knock. Knock.

     Ugh, what now? I got up, peeking through the curtains by the door to see Ghostbur standing there. I sighed, opening the door.

     "Hey, Ghostbur."

     "Hi, (Y/N)! I just wanted to give you this. It's called Blue and it'll take all your pain away."

     He dropped a dollop of a wet clay like substance into my hands. "Ah. Thank you, Ghostbur. How do I use it?"

     "You just hold it. Then, it takes away all your sadness. Once it runs out you can just leave it somewhere." He grinned, "I use it all the time."

     Ouch. Poor guy. "Oh, I see. Thank you, Ghostbur. I'll definitely be using this."

     He nodded happily, "No problem. If you ever need more come find me." With that he floated off, leaving me alone for the rest of the day.

      I really hope this 'Blue' is legit. Oh well, guess we'll find out, I thought, sitting down in the corner, fighting back my tears of stress. "Please, work."

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