A Ghostly Greeting

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     I was walking along the beach with Tommy and Aster. According to Tommy Dream won't stop by for the rest of the day so the two of us figured it would be alright to come by Logstedshire again.

     I crouched down and picked up another clam. "Hey, Tommy. We can have lunch together today. There are a bunch of sea creatures crawling about and I think I could make quite the meal. I have some rice at home."

     He glanced down at me, "Uh, yeah, sure. If you're sure." He chuckled shyly, "I don't have any culinary skills so it would be a nice change to have some real cooking."

     I stood and brushed the nonexistent dust off my clothes, "What were you eating before?"

      "I usually cut some meat off a chicken and stuck it in a fire. It was always burnt though..."

     I chuckled, "That sure sounds like a pain. I can start cooking for you if you'll help me hunt from now on."

     "Oh? I don't want to be a burden on you or anything."

     "I already have to cook for myself and Aster. It won't make much of a difference."

     "Okay! If you say so."
     I smiled, walking over and handing the clams in my hands to Tommy. "Could you hold these for a second? I left my satchel back at Logstedshire."

     He nodded happily, "Yeah, sure! I'll be here with Aster."

     I smiled and ran off, not taking much time to arrive at my destination. I quickly made my way towards the small hut and walked inside only to see a grey skinned ghostly person cooking some food. He was floating above the ground a bit and was slightly transparent. He seemed to have brown, fluffy hair and a red beanie, as well as a yellow sweatshirt and some jeans.

     "Ah! Tommy, you're back I-" the ghostly being cut himself off when he turned to see you.

     "Oh. Well, you're not Tommy. Who are you?" He floated towards me and tilted his head.

     I stepped back, widening my eyes, "I could ask you the same question."

     He giggled with his echoing voice, "Oh, my name is Ghostbur."

     I remember now. This is Tommy's friend. That makes so much sense, can't believe I missed it. "Mine is (Y/N). It's nice to meet you, Ghostbur."

     "Likewise!" he nodded his head enthusiastically. "Oh, do you by chance know where Tommy is? I have a thing for him."

     "Oh, he's out by the beach. We were just heading out to collect things for lunch."

     "Ah. If it's not too much trouble could I talk with him?"

     "Not a problem at all. Follow me!" I quickly grabbed my satchel and walked back fo Tommy, Ghostbur trailing behind me.

     I opened my mouth to greet the blonde boy as we approached but the ghost beat me to it. "Tommy!" he called, "You never told me you made a new friend!"

     A look of distressed crossed his face when he saw us together and I could see his lips move in what I could only assume to be a cuss.

     "Tommy! I brought you a gift! Could we maybe talk alone for a second though? I'm afraid it's quite personal..."  he mumbled, glancing at me.

      I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, let me just take these clams and I'll wait over there," I started grabbing the clams and stuffing them into my satchel after pointing to a hill a few paces away.

     I watched from a far as Tommy seemed to beg Ghostbur about something. The poor ghost seeming to concede. Tommy also received a small pendant of sorts and it glowed it a strange aura.

     After a few minutes Tommy slowly made his way towards me.

     "Okay, so. We have five clams so far and I think we could do well with some..." I trailed off when I felt the gloom surrounding my friend. "What's wrong?"

      He held the glowing compass in his hand tightly, "Just reminded of an old friend."

     I felt sympathy squirm it's way into my heart immediately. "Oh, I'm sorry, Tommy."

     He shrugged, "It's alright. I just miss him..."

     I furrowed my brow. "Do you want to go crab hunting with me to get your mid off of it?"

     A small smile appeared on his lips and I felt a small wave of relief. "Yeah, that sounds good."

     "Okay," I said as we started walking back down to the beach. "The trick is that the blue crabs taste better than the red ones. I've found that their meat is typically softer."

     He quietly laughed but waved a hand when I raised a brow, "Continue, continue."

     "Okay...," I stressed the word, "It's safer to grab them by the body. That way they can't pinch you!"

     "Alright, I think I know what you mean." He spotted one on the beach, "How many do we need?"

     "Depends on how much you eat but we already have five clams so three should be enough."

      We quickly managed to catch all the crabs and made our way safely to my cabin.


     "Woah..." Tommy mumbled as we walked into the building so I could grab a pan. "You live here?"

     I rolled my eyes, "No, Tommy, I don't. I stole this from some random person."

     This earned me a huff and I laughed.

     I set the pan above the fireplace and stared to ignite the flames that would soon lick around at the dry wood. After a few moments I added the water and began boiling the food, heating up some frozen venison for Aster. I also went to another pot and carefully started cooking some rice.

     "What do you like to do in your free time?" Tommy asked at we waited for the food to be ready to eat.

     I shrugged, "I like making clothes and other random objects. I made these plates, for example," I motioned towards the plates on the ground where they awaited getting filled with a meal.

      "Cool." He glanced self-consciously at his worn out shirt. "Do you mind making me some new attire?"

      I chuckled as he poked at a rather large hole that revealed some of his stomach. "Yeah, that's probably best. I wouldn't know your measurements though."

     "Your coat you gave me fits perfectly. I think we're the same size if not similar."

      I nodded, "Alright. After we eat you can help me design your shirt. I can make you some pants as well, If you want."

      He shook his head, "You've already done enough. Thanks though."

      "Oh, please. Stop acting like I mind. I like helping you, plus, I don't have anyone else to make clothing for."

      "Well, if you're so sure then I suppose you can make me some pants."

     "Okay, I will then," I said smiling.

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