Talking in Logsteadshire

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"So... You built this place?" I asked, looking at the little walls that were made of stripped logs.

     "Well, Ghostbur did and now I use it to store things. Although I am planning on building a storage area soon."

     "I see. This Ghostbur sounds like a pretty wholesome guy."

     "He really is. Much better than when he was alive."

     I whipped around to face the blonde. "Wait. He's actually a ghost? Like a spirit!?"

     He put his hands up and chuckled, "Yes, calm down. Don't want you screaming me into being a ghost as well."

     I stepped back and played with my fingers apologetically, "Sorry. I'm just really into research and reading, and it was never proved that ghosts can exist. Your friend is quite the scientific phenomenon."

     He laughed, "I'm pretty sure Ghostbur wouldn't want to be used as an experiment."

     I waved my hand, "Oh, please. I couldn't experiment on him if I wanted to. I wouldn't have the time."

     He nodded his head, "That's a relief. What keeps you so busy?"

     I sat down on the steps into the tiny cabin at the edge of the enclosed area. "Well, I have to hunt for food and right now I'm feeding two hungry bellies. Plus, I'm training and exploring a lot." I decided to leave out the part of me watching him and the Dream man.

     "What do you mean 'feeding two hungry bellies'? Do you have a baby?" he asks in alarm, considering I'm only 16.

     I laughed at this, "No, dummy. I'm taking care of a wolf pup."

     He looked relieved, "Oh, thank god I was worried you had left a baby all alone in the woods."

     "My cabin is safe enough. I'm confident that even if I had it would have been fine."

     "Wow, quite cocky are we?"

     "I'm not cocky. I'm just stating a fact."

     He shook his head and sat down on the grass next to me. After a few moments of silence he spoke up. "I know we've only known each other for a few hours but it's nice to have a friend again."

     I tilted my head, "What do you mean? Did the your other friend die?"

     "No, he just... let me down." He rested his head on his knees and sighed.

     I stared at him before patting his back slightly, "I'm sorry."

     He shrugged his shoulders, "It's alright. I'll prove him wrong eventually, when I take down Dream."

     "Oh, Dream seems pretty rude I see why he let you down."

     At this he spat out a laugh. "What?! Dream wasn't my friend! Gross! I would never befriend that green dickhead."

     "Oh. Well, I'm still sorry either way."

     He chuckled, "I don't need your pity, y'know."

     "I'm sure you don't but I'm offering it anyways and I demand that you accept it." I smiled at him when he looked at me in amusement.

     "Alright, fine."

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