A Little Sick

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       Aster licked my cheek, leaving slobber all over my face as I rolled away.

      "No, go away. I'm tired."

       He yipped in disapproval and nudged me with his forepaws.

       "Aster, please-" I was cut off by a cough. "I'm not feeling well."

       Aster growled and gently grabbed on hand in his mouth and tugged my lazy self towards the front door. I stumbled clumsily and sighed, opening it.

       "Hey, (Y/N)! I..." Tommy trailed off, seeing me. "You don't look so good."

       I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "Wow. Thank you."

      "That's not what I meant." He held up a hand and placed it against my forehead. "(Y/N), you have a fever."

       "Do not," I muttered, leaning away. I lost my balance and tumbled to the floor, shouting a cuss as my back violently collided with the dark oak planks.

       Tommy sighed, "Get back in bed. I'll make some soup or something." He extended a hand which I begrudgingly took.

       I sniffled, making my way back to my bed, "Do you even know how to cook?"

"I know enough," he glanced at me. "Now sleep, I'll wake you up when it's done."

      I glared, "Make me."

      He shook his head, "Fine, but don't get up and walk around and stuff."

      I huffed and lied back down, glowering at the ceiling.

      Tommy looked around, gathering vegetables and bringing in some water from the well. Once he started to actually cook he looked towards me.

      "Have you never gotten sick before?"

     I shrugged my shoulders, although it was hard to tell because of how deeply I had snuggled into my blankets. "I dunno, never noticed if I did."

      He rolled his eyes, stirring the pot. "That's either really stupid or really lucky."

"Lucky. Duh."

"Okay, whatever you say." He looked around for a bit to find a bowl and utensils before serving the soup and walking towards me. "It's ready. I hope it tastes alright."

I smiled and sat up, "Thanks, I'm sure it's fine."

He moved the bowl away from me when I reached to grab it.


"The bowl is hot, I don't want you burning your fingers off. Plus, you're sick and clumsy. What if you spill?"

I huffed, "I'm not a child."

He hummed, "I don't care." He scooped a small amount of the soup up with the spoon and moved it towards me. "Open wide."

I crossed my arms, "No."

"Come on."

"Absolutely not."

      "I let you help me when that cat bit my shoulder."

      "And? That was a di-" I was cut off when he placed the spoon in my mouth when I was speaking. How rude. I glared at him and swallowed the, surprisingly good, soup. Once he moved the spoon away I looked away, "That was low."

      He hummed, "Maybe. Now, more soup?" He raised another spoonful and I glared at him from my peripheral vision.

      "I hate you."

      "Ouch. Did you dislike the soup that much?" He placed the bowl on my nightstand and moved away. "You can burn you fingers then."

     I grinned, grabbing the bowl and drinking the soup, taking in small increments at a time with the spoon. "No, it's really good. I just don't like being babied."

     He rolled his eyes, sitting in a nearby chair. "You're ridiculous, I was merely trying to help you."

      "'Don't care. I can take care of myself."

      He huffed, getting a bowl for himself. "I know that," he sighed. "Whatever."

      We ate in silence for a while when I decided to speak up, "So, what brought you over here?"

       "Well, Dream visited me and asked where you were." I looked at him with some worry but he gave me a reassuring smile, "Don't worry. I didn't tell him where your cabin is. Anyway, I realized it was kind of weird you didn't come over so I wanted to check on you."

      "Oh. You didn't have to." I glanced at him before sighing, "Thank you, though. It's nice to know someone cares."

      He grinned widely, "I'm glad you can tell I care! I'm trying harder to be a better friend. Maybe I wouldn't have been exiled if I did it before but that's okay. At least I have you and Dream."

      I smiled gently, "I'm still a better friend than Dream."

      "Well, yes. Don't tell him I said that though."

      I nodded, drinking more of the delicious soup, "I won't. Don't worry."

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now