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     "(Y/N)?" Tommy said, watching as Dream's boat shrank in the distance. "What were you talking to Dream about?"

      The sun was setting and he had given up on his friends. He decided to wait for Dream to leave, however, before he brought out the cake. Now, the two of us sat together, watching the lapping waves as we ate the sweetly frosted baked good. It was really, really delicious.

      I shrugged, swallowing a mouthful of cake. "I wanted to know if anyone else here hears voices. He asked me about them and I figured he'd know." I turned my head slightly to glance at him, "The only reason I didn't want you there was because I wasn't sure if the conversation would get dark. I wanted you to have fun today."

      He nodded slowly, looking away. "Okay. Thanks."

      I sighed, poking at my food with my fork before placing it on the low table in front of us. "Tommy?" He looked back at me. "I'm really sorry no one showed up. They really missed out. Let me know if I can help you... in any way." I offered him a warm smile and he nodded, eyes glazing over slightly.

      I felt so bad for him. He's just a kid and was left all alone. I guess he's like me. Maybe that's why we get along so well. I don't want him to end up like me, though. All alone with only the wilderness...

     My eyes widened when I felt a sudden weight lean into me. I glanced down seeing blonde locks tickling my chin as Tommy gave me a tight embrace. I sighed, wrapping my arms around him in return.

      "Thank you," he whispered quietly.


      I yawned, rubbing my eyes as I sat up in my bed. My arms were sore from carrying Tommy from the beach to his tent, not to mention carrying Aster home as well. What was it with me and taking care of all the boys around here? I glanced down, seeing Aster snoring quietly. Not that I was complaining. I quickly got dressed and ate some food, offering some meat to Aster after he awoke. We then walked out towards Logstedshire. I wanted to check on Tommy.

       I hummed, moving through the tall grasses and combing my hair with my hands. Aster ran around, chasing around small butterflies as they fluttered away from his jaws.

      I smiled, catching sight of Tommy and another person. It didn't seem to be Dream so I approached.

"I know another word for cat, y'know."

"Not again, Tommy." The man (demon?) rubbed him temples, sighing deeply.

"Yeah? Well it's pus-" he saw me and seemed to panic, "pussy-cat. Pussy-cat." He nodded his head enthusiastically to which the other man looked at him like he'd just grown a second head.

"Tommy, since when are you-" he turned his head, seeing me. "Oh! Hi there! Who are you?" He seemed like he was made of shadows, his skin appearing as black as the petals of a wither rose. His eyes and mouth were visible due to shining a clear white color. Protruding from his hood, and most likely his head, were two black horns and he had a tail which swished from side to side behind him. Aster took notice of the thin tail and began trying to catch it.

      I chuckled, quickly grabbing the wolf pup from the ground and holding him in my arms. "Hi, my name is (Y/N). You are?"

He grinned happily, "My name is Bad!" He looked towards Aster, "Can I pet him? I really like pets! Especially canines." He rolled up and down on his heels. "What's their name?"

I grinned, holding Aster towards Bad, "His name is Aster."

Bad gasped slightly as he ruffled the wolfs fur. "Like the flower?"


He cooed a short 'aww', "It suits him well." Bad look at me, his hards opening and closing. "Can I hold him?"

I nodded, giggling at the mans childishness. "Sure." I gently placed the happy puppy into his arms and Bad cooed.

I watched, grinning to myself, until I felt a tug on my sleeve. "Yeah, Tommy?"

I turned seeing the Blonde glaring at the demon. "Why are you trusting him? He's a dick."

"I don't think-"


I glanced back, startled, seeing Bad go back to cooing at Aster, who seemed very confused might I add. "Wha-"

"He does that if you cuss. Look. Bitch!"

The demon glared, "Language!"







Tommy opened his mouth to speak again but I slapped my hand over it, muffling what ever other word he was going to say, earning a glare.

"I get. He doesn't like it when you say a bad word." I removed my hand. "That doesn't mean you have to bother him so much.

      He stared at me for a moment. "Fine. Only because you said so, though. Also," he pointed a finger at my hand as I wiped it on my pants, "I'm not gross, why are you wiping your hand."

      I laughed, "I know." I leaned on his shoulder and grinned when he shoved me off.

      "Are you two in a relationship?" Bad said with humor obvious in his voice.

      "No!" the two of us replied simultaneously.

      "We're just really good friends."

       "Ah, I see. Sorry for assuming." He walked over, handing Aster back to me. "Aster is a really good boy!"   

       I grinned, "I know."

       Bad stared at me, curiosity in his eyes before waking away, waving enthusiastically. "Bye bye, now!"

      I grinned, nodding to him, "Bye, Bad!"

     "Bye, dickhead!"

      "Tommy! Language!"

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