Cougar Teeth

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I sketched out a simple shirt design as Tommy stood behind me, Glancing around me to watch as my hands doodled. He was leaning against the arm rests of my large chair and I could feel his warm breath gently blow against my hair when he breathed.

"I can add some extra things to it if you want me to." I said as I began thinking of what I could add that would fit him.

"Like what?"

"Well, I usually save the bones of my kills so I could weave a few of those in to give you a more... barbaric look. I can also make some dye to color it and add patterns."

He hummed and nodded, moving around to come to my side as I leaned back. "Can you do the sleeves red like my current shirt? It's kind of my thing." He tilted his head up proudly.

     "Yeah, sure. I could work that in. Do you want a hood? Or I could add spikes to the sleeves so it could be used in defense if you don't have weapons."

      "Okay, the hood sounds cool but what the fuck is the other thing? It sounds like a cool concept but wouldn't it jab me when I walk around?"

      I glanced down at my own sleeves and hooked my fingers through their respected holes, pulling the fabric tightly against my hand and making the cougar teeth that I had firmly woven into the hide pop up. "Nope. It doesn't bother me much." I carefully swung my fist in front of me, avoiding hitting anything. "It can create some nasty cuts if I punch something correctly."

     He stared at it, gently grabbing my hand and examining the teeth. "Woah. This is actually really cool! I want this, too."

     I chuckled and brought my hand back down, smiling. "Alright I can add them. Let me just check if I still have some canines to use." I got up and walked over to a chest that laid next to my crafting bench. I crouched besides it and rummaged through, the clicking of the bones against each other strangely calming me. I grabbed for a bag marked 'canines' and pulled it out, disappointed at the emptiness. "Shit. Sorry, but your shirt might take me some time.  I need to go hunt down another cougar or wolf..," I mumbled apologetically.

     To my surprise he was smiling brightly, "Let me help you! It would be a fun little mission."

      I rubbed my neck, "I dunno, Tommy. It's pretty far and I don't want you to get in trouble with that Dream guy. Plus, you don't seem fit enough to take down a whole wild cat. No offense."

     He crossed his arms, "Much offense taken, thank you very much. Besides, I've fought in plenty of wars and I've managed to live this long! I can handle a little cat."

     "It's more than a little cat..." I muttered.

     "Oh, please. You've taken one down before. You're a woman. Big man like me can definitely do this."

     I rolled my eyes, "Wow, thank you for the rude remark."

     "Oh, come on that's not what I meant. I only mean that I can fend for myself." I stared at him with a serious expression and he glanced worriedly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." I smirked and he tilted his head, causing me to snicker.

     "I was only messing with you, dumbass. God, are you always this silly?"

     He huffed, "Don't call me that. I was actually worried you were mad."
     I wiped an invisible tear away and smiled at him, "Well, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself. I've never really had someone to prank."

      "You call that a prank?"

     "it wasn't?" I widened my eyes. That's what pranks seemed to be in the literature I've managed to read over time.

     "Well, it was but it was such a minor prank it barely counts."

     "Oh, I see. It was easy and harmless though so I liked it."

      He rolled his eyes, "That means the prank doesn't do anything. It's only funny when something bog happens."

      Like getting exiled? I wanted to spit back but refrained, not wanting to scare off my only friend. Instead I shrugged, "Maybe one day I'll prank you with something bigger."

      "I'll be looking forwards to it."

      I chuckled at this and a long silence followed. "Thanks," I muttered quietly after a few moments.

      "What for?"

      "Being my friend, dummy."

      "Oh, well. Your welcome.Why don't we go hunting for that cat tomorrow?"

      I then grinned, "Okay, go tell that Dream man tomorrow that you'll be gone for about a day to go hunting." I gently led him towards my door.

      He furrowed his brows, "What if he asks to join me?"

      I shrugged, "Just don't let him. Tell him you're just hunting and won't go back to your homeland."

     He nodded, "Alright, I'll try. If I'm not here by noon just leave without me."

      "Alright. Don't get my house annihilated if I do, alright?"

      He chuckled, "Alrighty."

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