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     I gasped, finally seeing the glossy purple material we've been searching for. It's been almost two hours since we came down here. The climb back up is going to be hell.

     "Tommy!" I whisper-yelled. We saw some gravel earlier so the cave might be unstable. "I found some obsidian!"

     He ran over, standing beside me. "Oh, awesome! We can finally get out of this dingy cave!"

     I snickered at his comment. He's not wrong. "Okay, okay. Stand back, I'm going to try and cut into it with my sword."

     He took a step behind me, not at all relaxed, and I pulled out the sword. I focused, activating the fire aspect, and plunged it downwards. It hit the obsidian straight on  but it still only dug in a little. At least that was something. I continued until I'd cut down a good amount. Thin as I could go but still thick enough to create a portal. I hope.

     "Hey, take a break. Let me do it for a while." I looked back, hesitant. "Won't it mess with your wings?"

    "No, I'll be fine. Besides, I can't have you passing out on me later on." He walked forward, nudging me out of the way and taking the sword. He smiled, "Let me prove I'm strong, too."

     I rolled my eyes but listened. I mean, my arms were getting sore anyway. Just in case, though, I stayed standing. Can't have him falling over or anything.

     We continued to switch off, back and forth, until finally. Finally. We'd managed to cut out a good chunk.

     I carefully pushed it up and sighed in relief. There didn't seem to be any lava underneath so we don't have to worry about that. Yet, at least. Not until the Nether.

     "Yes!" Tommy almost shouted behind me. "Finally." He walked forward, grabbing it up. Okay, fine, he's way stronger than I gave him credit for. "I'll carry it first, okay?"

     "Uh, sure. Okay." He seems okay. "I'll lead the way then. Tell me if it gets too heavy and we can switch."

     He nodded his head nonchalantly, "I will, I will. Stop worrying." He smiled, "I'll be fine."

      I nodded, holding the sword ahead of me and igniting it. We'll need the light.

      Fresh air, here we come!

Ahaha, Hi! Sorry I've been gone for months. I kind of moved on from this fandom and lost the motivation to write. HOWEVER, that's no excuse to leave ya'll waiting so I'm going to try and finish this. I don't know how long chapters will be but I'm going to try and update at least once a week from now on. No promises because I've got like, two other fics I'm writing, but I will try my darn hardest. Ty if you're still here.
Love ya, <3

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now