The Hunt

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      Tommy and I continued talking, well even after the sun had risen over the horizon.

     "Hmm, my favorite animal?" Tommy hummed. "Aster. Aster specifically."

     I laughed, "I mean, valid."

     "What about you."

     "I'd have to say same-"

     A loud crash interrupted us as someone, obviously Techno, ran down the stairs, making both Tommy and I jump. We glanced at each other.

      "We should check on him."


      We rushed downstairs, seeing Techno glaring through the window. "Shoot."

     I furrowed my brow, giving Tommy a questioning glance only to receive a equally confused look. "Um, Techno? Is everything alright?"

     He looked back, shaking his head. "No, not really. Tommy, those freinds of yours are here. And they're armed."

     "What?! Who?!"

     Techno shrugged, "Fundy, Quackity, some tall nervous kid. Oh, and that tyrant you placed in charge."


     "Yeah, him."

      I stood awkwardly for a moment as the two brothers exchanged a glare. "Why... do you think they're here?"

     "I mean... considering the death threats I'd been getting... they're probably after me."

     "What?!" I nudged Tommy, "Go get our weapons." The boy nodded, hesitantly, before running up the stairs to get the items Techno had gifted us. I looked back to the pink haired man, "We'll help you fight them off."

     "No. You will not."


     "I didn't give you my sword to spend fighting for people who don't need defending. Do you remember what I said when I handed it to you?"

     "Protect Aster and Steve... But most of all, Tommy."

     "Yeah. Good." He motioned to the window as he stuffed various potions into his pockets. "If they see him they might invite him back to L'Manburg. Or," he held up a finger, as if in warning. "They'll say something upsetting about his exile. They could hurt him, so you need to keep him away from them. Alright?"

      "Techno, I don't know if that'll make him happy-"

      "I'm not going to risk it and I doubt you'll risk it either. Please, keep my brother inside."

     I felt conflicted. However, with guilt lacing my words, I agreed, "Fine."

     He grinned, patting my head as he walked to the door. "Thank you, (Y/N). Be back in a bit."

      I sighed, standing awkwardly until I felt someone nudge me.

      "(Y/N). Here's your sword." Tommy tilted the hilt in my direction, facing the blade to the floor.

      "Uh," I took it in one hand, grabbing one of Tommy's with the other. "Maybe we should stay back here."

      "What? Why?" He motioned to the door with his chin, "Techno might hurt my friends. Besides, I might be able to talk them out of a fight."

Techno's words echoed in my head. What if they bullied him about getting exiled? Plus, what if they invite him to go with them? I can't go there. The Egg lives there. Plus, Tommy wouldn't stay just for me... I hesitated... "Tommy, are you sure they're your friends?"

He glared at me, "What do you mean?"

"I mean... they kicked you out and most of them didn't even visit you...."

He pulled away from me, snatching his hand out of my grasp. "The fuck are you saying?!"

"I just..." It's too late to back out. "They abandoned you. That's not what friends should do."

"Yeah? Well... What would you know?" He shoved me and I stumbled back. "According to you your only friend before me was Aster! He's a fucking dog! You're lonely so what would you know about how friends should act?!"

"I mean... it just seems-"

"Exactly! You don't know anything!" He stormed to the door.

Tears pricked my eyes as I ran after him, tugging on his hoodie sleeve to come back. "Tommy, wait-"

We stared out into the barren Tundra. No one was around, they most likely left. No footprints were seen either. The wind blew them away.

"They're gone." I went to speak but he spun around, shoving me once more. "They're gone now because you kept me here!" I saw he was crying.

"That's not what I intend-"

"Yes it is!" He stalked past me, running up the stairs. "Get away from me!"

Sorry for the late and short update! I got hit with writers block and so it took a while.
Anyways, I'm going to be pretty busy for the next two weeks so my updating schedule might be a bit wonky. Sorry!
So, I have two AP exams coming up and then a trip to Japan on May 8th so I'll have to adjust my writing time to the timezone there. Anyway, thank ya'll so much for reading I love all of you so much! (*'︶'*)╯♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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