Night Mare

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I snapped my eyes open, glancing around.

My head was pulsing and I felt my body want to wither in pain. I was again lying in grass, only this grass was a deep crimson. For a moment I thought I may be in the Nether but when I glanced up I could see a bright blue sky, cotton like clouds drifting across it peacefully. A few feet away from me, at the top of a hill I was sitting on was a huge structure. It seemed to pulsate, the seemingly squishy sides of the oblong thing moving. As with something inside wanted to get out.

I approached it, reaching my hand out, grazing it with my fingers lightly.

I fell back, pain jumping through my body again, making me scream. Despite this a voice rang through my head, clear as day.

(Y/N), my sweet. You've returned. I always knew you would.

I furrowed my brows. That voice is familiar. Where-

You do not remember me? I'm your friend. Your creator. I go by many names: The Crimson, Blood Vines, the Egg. I'm still the same thing. You always called me Mr. Egg. What a sweet pet.

I glanced at my arms, seeing my veins turning a dark red, almost black, as the thing poisoned me.

Don't call me a thing, dear. That's not how I raised you.

How is it reading my mind? My breathing became labored and ragged.

Darling, I made you! Don't you remember? We have an eternal connection. I created you so I can pursue a physical form! My pretty little vessel~

Tears pricked my eyes.



"No! No, No, No!"




My eyes snapped open, tears running down my face.

"What the hell, are you okay?"

I glanced up, seeing Skeppy staring at me in worry. "Yes... I just had a bad dream."

"Yeah, seems like it." He pressed a hand to my forehead and sighed. "I think you have a fever."

I shivered, suddenly acutely aware of my splitting headache. "Oh."

He handed me a glass of water and got up. "I'm going to go tell Bad. Don't go anywhere."

I nodded, sipping on the water. That dream was too real. It couldn't have just been that. Maybe it actually happened. Maybe it was a foretelling of the future. Whatever it was I need to stay on my guard.   

     I felt a hand on my forehead and jumped.

    "Oh, sorry. I was just checking your temperature."

     I looked at the kind demon and sighed in relief. "No worries." I caught of wiff of something sweet in the air. "Something smells good."

     The man chuckled, "Yes. I'm making pancakes." He handed me a steaming cup of brown liquid. "Here's some tea, by the way."

     I smiled, "Thank you." I downed the hot drink within a fee seconds, to everyone's surprise, and tried to get up.

     Bad, alarmed, held me down gently. "I don't think so, little one. You're not going anywhere until you're healed. That includes this fever you have."

     "But I need ti get back to Tommy and Aster!"

     He shook his head, "No." He glanced back and began walking away, "I need to go back to cooking now but you rest. I'll bring you breakfast when it's ready."

     I bit my lip, unsure of what to do, but decided to oblige anyway.

     What's the worse that could happen? Bad seems like a genuinely nice guy anyway.

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