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I blinked away the panic tears that were swelling in my eyes and shoved my pant leg down.

Nope, not real.

I stood, limping my way towards the animals.

"(Y/N)! Wait, we need to get that shit checked out. I mean... that stuff." When I didn't stop I heard him run up, grabbing my wrist. "We can't let that go untreated."

     "What stuff? Nothing's wrong with me. It's not real, it can't be."

    "(Y/N). Ignoring your problems isn't a healthy coping mechanism. I would know."

    "I'm ignoring that too." I pulled my arm away and continued limping off.

    "Really?! That's it? Phil might know something about this. Please."He grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him. "I'm not losing you to. We're going to get that looked at."

    "The animals need to be fed."

     "They can wait for a damm second. C'mon."

    He tugged me behind as he stormed back to the door, slamming it open rudely.

    "Phil! We need your help!" It came out more winy than I think he meant. I've never seen him sound so childish.

    "What is it, mate?" Phil inquired, walking towards us as I sat down on the floor, Tommy crouching besides me.

     "Something's wrong with their leg."


     "Show him."

     I rolled my eyes, pulling up the pant sleeve to my knee, revealing the weird scars(?)

     "Holy shit."

     "Yeah, I know it's bad..." I mumbled, trying to cover my leg back up but Philza gently stopped me.

     "Hold it. What happened? I've never seen this before."

     "I don't know. All I can think of was this weird dream I had last night."


     "Yeah, Bad and Skeppy sacrificed me to this Egg or something. It was really painful."

    He hummed, "Anything else happen?"

     "Well, these weird vine things were growing up from my legs."

     "Did they look like these?"

     "Sort of... More viney though."

     Phil rolled his eyes and thought for a moment. "I'm going to try something and it might hurt. Please, bear with me though."

    "Um..." I looked at him nervously but nodded. "Alright."

    "Okay." He carefully pressed a finger down onto one of the lines, hissing in pain after a moment.

    I yelped, grabbing onto Tommy's hands out of instinct. The pain was almost unbearable. It felt like my dream but on a lesser scale. I clenched my teeth and shut my eyes. After a moment, Phil removed his finger, gasping.

    We all looked down, seeing the line he'd touched grow up my leg slightly.

     "Ahh! Philza what the fuck did you do?!" Tommy pulled me closer to him, not wanting whatever had occurred to happen again.

    The winged man sighed, holding up his finger. "Look." It was singed, blisters dotting the reddened skin. "That isn't natural and any contact will help it to grow. I think heat might be able to kill it. I have some lava buckets down stairs."

    "Lava?! Phil are you insane?! You'll hurt them!"

    I shivered, "Isn't there anything other than lava we could use?" I hated that stuff. It killed me once and I don't want to be near it again. Not to mention that if I die I'll be forced to go back to that place with Eret. And that's where Bad lives.

    "Lava's the hottest thing we can get. Unless you want to accompany Techno on his next trip to the nether to find some Soul Fire this is our best shot."

    I huffed, glancing down. "Fine. Bring it up."

     "(Y/N)!" Tommy shook me by the shoulders once his dad had left. "What the fuck?! You're going to get hurt!"

    "It was your idea to get help."

    "Yeah but not pour lava on you!"

    "If anything it'll hurt my feet."

     "No, it'll be-"

    I pushed my finger to his lips, silencing him. "Shush. Let me be optimistic."

    He looked at me doubtfully and I sighed. "Tommy, we all have three lives, right? Well, this is only my second one. I've still got another."

    "What if you don't... What if... what if the lab you were created in didn't give you all three lives?"

    "And what if they gave me twenty lives instead. All we can do is imagine the best outcome, right?" I gently patted his cheek. "Stop worrying so much."

    He sighed, looking down. "Fine."   

    "'Ight I'm back." Phil heaved, pulling a bucket of lava onto the floor, carefully climbing out of the trapdoor to pull it over to us. "Let's get started, shall we?"

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now