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"Woah, woah, woah. Hold it, dude." I was going to call him 'pigman' but seeing as he's my only way back to Tommy, I wasn't too keen on pissing him off. "What do you mean, 'if it weren't for my brother.'" I glanced back, through the rain, at the ruins of Logstedshire. "What the hell happened."

"I don't know. Tommy won't talk to me. He won't talk to Philza." The man sighed in frustration, coming to halt and turning to me. "Listen, okay. A fee days ago he came running into my house yelling about how Dream blew up his home and killed you." He jabbed a finger at me. "Obviously, it broke him because he won't even eat anymore. Hell, Phil tried making his favorite soup and he broke down into tears. We can't even comfort him because he rejects all physical contact unless it's from that little dog of yours! So, instead of asking questions can you please come with me so that my little brother doesn't starve himself to death!"

I blinked. "What? Tommy..." I huffed, "Well, what are you waiting for, lead the way!"

"That's what I'm trying to do!" Techno practically yelled in frustration before stomping off again. "You're insufferable."

I rolled my eyes and ran after him, anxious to make sure Tommy was okay.


I gripped my upper arms tightly as my teeth chattered in the freezing wind and snow. Speaking of the snow, it was up to my ankles and it would be an absolute miracle if I made this journey without losing my toes. Stupid Tundra climate.

"(Y/N)! That's your name isn't it?"

I glanced up, seeing Techno standing there. "Yeah... W-w-why?" Damn it, this cold is making me stutter.

He opened his mouth but opted against saying whatever insult he was probably going to say. "Here," he took off his coat. "You can wear this until we get there. Can't have you dying of hypothermia."

I glanced at him, thankfully wrapping the warm garment around myself. "What about you?"

He smiled, "You naive child. I'm Technoblade, I never die."

I raised a brow, "Cocky much? No one is immune to harsh temperatures."

"I'm part Piglin. I practically have lava running through my veins."


He chuckled, "Doesn't matter anyway. We're almost there." He quickened his pace, "Hurry up."

"I-" I stumbled over the snow as I began running after his wide strides. "Wait up!"

We trudged through the snow for a few more minutes until the warm lights of torches and lanterns came into view, a welcoming sight in compared to the black and white of the nocturnal tundra surrounding us.

"Welcome to my humble abode, not that you haven't been here before," Techno mused as he ushered me inside.

     Once the door was shut I sighed, welcoming the warmth that flooded the house. I shrugged off the coat handing it back to Techno. I was going to vouce my thanks when quick footsteps came down the stairs.

     "Techno! You're back!" I turned seeing Phil reaching the bottom of the stairs. His raven-like wings tucking themselves back neatly. "Oh, you found them!"

      "Yeah. I did. Please take them to Tommy. I'm going to try and make honey-tea. Maybe Tommy will drink that?"

    Phil nodded thoughtfully as he walked towards me. "Yeah, good idea. He's always been a sweet tooth." He placed his hand gently over mine and glanced down at me. "C'mon. Tommy... Really needs you right now."

     I nodded my head, "Okay. Yeah, of course!" He then turned, hastily leading us up the stairs and to a dark oak door at the end of a hall.

     Phil knocked gently. "Tommy? Please open the door?"

    A very quiet 'no' was the only response.

     Phil gave me a glance and I nodded. "Tommy, it's me. (Y/N)."

     After a minute the door cracked opened and my gaze met with almost empty blue ones. "(Y/N)..."

     "Hi, Tommy."

     The boy opened the door, hesitantly pulling at my hands. "I... I...." He turned away, towards Phil. "Phil, can you go please. I need time."

     Phil nodded, "Yeah, yeah, I get it." He turned, walking down towards the stairs again.

    "Tommy, you good?"

     He glanced back to me, disregarding my question. "How are you...?"

     "I only lost one life. Apparently I still should have two left."

     "And you're not... not a ghost, right?"


     He blinked at me and suddenly started crying. "I thought I lost you!" He weakly pounded his fist down onto my shoulder as he hugged my with his other arm. "I thought you were gone for good. I was so scared. I thought Dream took you away. I thought Dream took away another person that I care about. I... I-" He continued mumbling nothing as he sobbed against my.

     I blinked, tears suddenly falling from my eyes as well as I wrapped my arms around him, whispering soothing words towards him, making sure he knew I was alright.

     After what felt like a few minutes but may have been a few hours, he pulled away, whimpering and wiping away at his eyes and nose.

     I smiled gently, wiping away my own tears. "Feeling better...?"

     "(Y/N), I just found out you're alive. What do you think?"

     I chuckled, taking in his features for the first time today. He looked so obviously unhealthy and his eyes were shadowed my dee eyes bags. He looked like he's been going out of his way to deteriorate at his health. "You look like a zombie."

     He sighed. "I know."

     "When was the last time you slept?"

     "The day before I got here."

     I cocked a brow, "So... you haven'f slept in a long, long time."

     He nodded.

     I sighed, gently shoving him into the room. "Well, you're sleeping today wether you like it or not."

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now