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     I yawned, hearing birds calling outside. Judging by the blurry images and light I could see when I opened my eyes, I bet it's about the break of dawn. I shifted to get up when I heard a very sleepy voice whisper just above my ear.

     "No, too early," a arm that was around my waist pulled me closer to a body.

     I rolled my eyes, "Tommy, let me out. I want to get ready to go down in the mines."

     He groaned and shook his head, "No."

I grinned, "You can sleep more but I want to get up."

"No," he wined, moving down and resting his on my shoulder. "Tired."

I chuckled, "Really, now? Fine." I brought up a hand and placed it on his hear. His hair wasn't exactly clean, thought mine wasn't either. Maybe once we get to a safe place we could wash off.

"Th'nks," he slurred, going back to dream-land. Well then, I suppose he wasn't kidding when he said he was tired. I hummed softly to myself as I waited for him to feel more awake.

     A few minutes passed when he finally stirred, "Okay. 'M up now."

     I smirked at him as he rubbed at his eyes sleepily, "You sure?"

     He let out a small 'mmhm.' "Don't wanna keep you waiting either."

     "Well, thank you for being considerate."

     He smiled, "Of course."

     Heat rushed to my cheeks, "A-anyway, we should get ready to head out. I want to get enough food to leave for Aster and for us to bring with us. Maybe... a deer and a few rabbit will do? I'm not sure how long we'll be mining."

     He smirked, "I get to show off my amazing hunting skills?"

     "Amazing you say? Well, we'll see about that!" I grabbed my sword and secured it to my back, taking out a normal bow I (stole) borrowed from Techno.


Tommy and I walked though the woods, listening for the sound of any footsteps. After a while I heard a soft crunch to my right. I grabbed Tommy's arm and yanked him down.


"Shh!" I pointed between the leaves of a bush at a heard of deer.

     He looked back at me and smiled, motioning for the bow.

     Pft, like hell I was going to let him have all the fun. I shook my head and smiled cheekily at him, earning myself a slightly annoyed but also amused glare. He motioned for me to try and shoot down a deer. He really thought I couldn't. How cute.

I'll show him how good I am with a bow. I backed up a little and peeked over the bush, careful not to alert any of the herd. A large stag stood in the middle of the group but I'd hate to kill off the only male. Instead, I spotted a female deer, furthest away from me and Tommy. It wouldn't hurt to brag about my hunting skills a little bit, right?

     I knocked an arrow and pulled it back, aiming.

     "Where are you aiming?" Tommy questioned in the quietest whisper ever.

     I just glanced over at him and winked. He was so flustered he couldn't speak. Haha.

     I then turned back, made sure I was aiming correctly before letting go of the arrow. It zipped through the air cleanly and pierced right through the deers head, ending it quickly. The other had run off and I jumped up, running to the body.

     "Sorry, girl. But we need to eat. I hope you find peace," I mumbled before retrieving my arrow.

     "Holy shit, how did you manage that?!"

     "What, my amazing archery skills?"


     I smiled, "Practice."

     "Teach me!"

     I laughed, getting up, "Maybe once we reach L'Manburg. Alright?"

     He rolled hia eyes, "Fine."

     "Okay!" I motioned to the dead animal, "Let's get this back to camp."

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now