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     I looked ahead, unsure of what to say. Finally, something came to mind. "Tommy? Why?" I motioned at the black building. "You failed to mention we were going to walk through a piglin stronghold?"

     He glanced at me, "Bastion, actually. And yes, I guess I did fail to mention it." He knelt down, looking over the edge of the small divide to find the best way to cross. "I'm sure it's not a problem, though." He looked up, his blue eyes dancing with a teasing light. "Unless you're scared."

     I glared down, tensing my shoulders. "I am not scared! I'm just... concerned. It'd be very easy to get hurt. I've read about these things."

     "Yeah, well, you wanted a time-save." He motioned at the building, if it can even be called that. "Biggest time-save there is. Right past this is the bridge to the portal. If we get through here, we're home-free."

     I sighed, "Really? Is this the best option?"

     "Yeah." He stood, standing beside me. "It is. Er," he pointed at a thin bridge of netherack connecting the cliff we were on with the bastion. It was about a yard long. Not very far but still scary. "That thing is. Specifically."

     I looked at it. "It'd break."

     "Yeah, but we have to pick the easiest way." Tommy pointed down at Aster, who was lying on the ground miserably. Even though I cut his fur, he still looked like he was over heating. "If Aster doesn't make the jump... It'd end badly, is what I mean." He fluttered the wings on his back. "I can go first. I'm light on my feet. Then Aster, and finally you. If anything happens to the bridge, you'll jump across."

     I sighed, I can't argue with his plan. "Fine. But if anyone dies it's on you."

     He smiled, "Okay."

     I watched anxiously as he walked to the bridge, flapping his wings as he bounded across it. The bridge is fine. He's fine. I let out a breath.

     "Aster's turn."

     The wolf raised his head, seemingly comprehending, and walked forwards. He looked at the bridge, then at me, apprehensive.

     "You got this boy. If the bridge starts to break you just jump at Tommy, okay?" I looked over at the blonde, exchanging a nod. "He'll catch you."

     Aster barked at Tommy, as if telling him that he'd better and ran carefully across the bridge. He made it safely too. Good. My boys are okay.

     Finally, it was my turn. I took a breath, refusing to look down, and put one step in front of me. It didn't take long for me to make it across.

"We should destroy the bridge."

I looked at Tommy. "Why?"

"To slow down Dream if he comes after us."

"Not having a bridge to cross something he can just jump over won't stop him. If anything it'll prove we were here."

Tommy hummed, nodding. "Very good point." He grinned at me. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smiled, "Right back at you."

We made our way through the bastion by clinging to the shadows and walking along the ceiling's walls. I'm not sure what they're called but they're similar to rafters. There was a surprising lack of piglins too.

Towards the end of the building the roof cut off and we had to jump down. There was only a pair of piglins on the floor.

"Tommy, here," I took off the sword and handed it to him.

"What?!" he whispered back. "What're you going to use?"

I balled my hands into fists and held them up. "I got my hands and I'm not wounded. You need the sword more. Besides," I glanced back at Aster, who was crouched ready to jump. "I've got cover."

Tommy looked apprehensive but shrugged, readying his sword. "Fine."

"On the count of three." He nodded. "1... 2..."


We leapt down from the ledges, each landing on a piglins back. I saw Tommy lodge the sword into it's shoulder while I grabbed mines neck.

The piglin squealed and reeled back, falling onto me as it thrashed in my grasp. When we collided with the floor the wind was knocked out of me and I faltered. It used that moment to get up, slashing it's sword at me clumsily. I rolled out of the way just in time. As I got up I heard a growl as Aster landed protectively in front of me. He took a moment longer to jump down.

The piglin, now distracted by the lovely wolf, turned towards him, swinging angrily. I ran up behind it and grabbed its shoudlers, using it as leverage to slam my knee between it's legs, hoping it was a male. Lucky for me, I was right and it squealed in pain, falling to the floor. It rolled around and I readied myself to grab it's throat. Just before I lunged down, a sword came flying in front of me, sinking into the pink flesh of the mob, killing it.

"Oh my god, man." Tommy rushed over, grabbing me by the shoulders. "I'm so sorry! I didn't hit you did I? 'You alright?" He grabbed each arm, turning it over, inspecting it for cuts.

I scoffed, letting him manhandle me. "Yeah, I'm fine, Tommy. Let's just go before others come to investigate."

Once satisfied that I wasn't hurt he nodded, grabbing the sword. "'Kay. Good idea. Follow me," He waved his arm at me and ran down a hall. I followed him and I heard Asters paws pattering behind us.

Eventually, we made it out and came to a large bridge. We slowed to a walk as we crossed it. Eventually I heard the soft whispers of a portal.

"Oh! Are we at the portal?"

Tommy glanced back, grinning, "Yep," He sped up his pace. "We should hurry, though. It's easy to see us when we're on the bridge."

I glanced around, nothing but hot air surrounding us. He's right. There's no cover. "Yeah. Good idea." I turned around, walking backwards and Tommy anxiously grabbed my hand. "Aster, you okay, bud?"

The wolf, who was behind us, barked. It was raspy from dehydration. I can't imagine what it's like for him, having fur and all.

"Should I carry you?"

His ears flicked upwards and he barked again, happier this time.

I laughed, letting go of Tommy's hand and kneeling down. Aster patted up to me, placing his paws on my shoulders and resting his head on one of them. I scooped up his bottom half and stood. He was really heavy now and I'm not sure if I'll be able to take him all the way to the portal. However, after all he's done for me, it's the least I could do.

"He looked really heavy. Do you want me to carry him?"

I smiled at Tommy, "Nah, I'll be okay. Besides, it's nice to hold him again."

Aster just barked contently in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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