Like Him?

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      "(Y/N). I'm bored."

      I glanced at Tommy who sat next to me. He was playing with my fingers but I was too tired to care. It was past midnight and I've told him to sleep but he said he doesn't want me to be lonely. I smiled lightly at his sweetness. "I mean, no one's close enough to be woken up if we talk."

     He hummed sleepily, "How do you do this every night? I'm so sleepy."

     I rolled my eyes and shoved him gently with my shoulder, "I said you can go to sleep."

     "And I already said no. Stop tempting me."

     I chuckled, scooting down and resting my head on his shoulder. "Fine, fine. I'll stop."

     He was silent for a while until he let out a fake cough, "So. What do you want to talk about?"

      I shrugged, "Dunno, figured you might have some ideas."
      He hummed, "I don't know. Do you have any weird scars? It's all I can think of."

     I let out a small laugh, "I don't know, actually. I have some burn scars along my back I think, from when Dream tossed me into the lava. Other than that just some bite wounds from wild animals. Oh!" I grabbed one of his fingers and trailed it over a weird star shaped scar on my pinky. I could show him in the morning but without light, this was the next best thing. "Got this one when a creeper exploded. Shot some stone my way and it scraped me up like that."

     He breathed out a small, "Woah. It feels really pretty somehow."

     I chuckled, "Thanks. What about you?"

     "Well, I have this one from a stab wound on my stomach. It's from the independence war for L'Manburg. Then, I have this really unnoticeable one on my forehead. Got shot there with an arrow. It was also for the independence."

      "Wow. You really fought for that place." I swallowed thickly, sitting up and staring at him, despite it being dark I could still make out some features. "I can't believe they kicked you out."

     He sighed, "I guess. What's that saying though? The dog will always bite the hand that feeds it or something? I don't know. But... I've come to terms with this... for the most part. I mean," he let out a small laugh. "I have you."

     I usually would have rolled my eyes but... seeing the vulnerability in his blue ones it didn't seem right. Instead, I smiled, "Yeah, and I'll always be there for you." I nudged his shoulder lightly, making him scoff. "You have my word."

     He smiled back at me. "I'll always have your back too."

     We fell into silence, not really sure what to say now, after all that heartfelt stuff. I sighed, thinking about things I enjoy. I do like reading. I'll read anything, actually, but my preference is romance. Hey, didn't Tommy say he has a bunch of girlfriends?



      "Do you really have a bunch of girlfriends back in L'Manburg?"

      "Pft," I watched as he opened his mouth to speak but opted against it at the last moment. "Actually... I don't. I just made it up to brag. There's not really all that many girls or women back there anyway. Besides, most of them are older than me."

      I hummed, "So you only like girls?"

     He hummed, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. "I'm not sure. I've never really thought about it. I've never really been attracted to boys before."

     I sighed, a bit disappointed. Why? Eh, I'm too tired to think about it. "So, have you ever felt attracted to someone before?"


     I shrugged, "I've always wondered what it's like. I've read plenty of romance books but I figured they're not exactly accurate." I nervously fidgeted in my seated position. "You don't have to answer, though, if you don't want to."

     He shook his head, chuckling again. "Nah, I don't mind. It's uh..." He sighed, trailing off and staring at his hands. "I mean... You always want to make that person happy and... make sure they're safe. Usually you can't think about almost anyone but them." He looked at me. "They seem pretty much perfect to you, too. I know this is cliche but, it's this magical fluttery feeling when they're near." He sighed, dreamily, looking back at his hands. "It's hard to describe but... you really, really care about them."

      I blinked, think about how I feel. I mean, I wanted to make sure Tommy's happy... and safe. Plus, I've never really thought he was flawed before. Maybe a bit hotheaded and stubborn at times but never really in a bad way. Plus, when we're close to each other I feel a but fluttery....

      Do I...

      Like him?

     "(Y/N)?" He chuckled when I jumped. "You good?"

     I smiled, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I grinned, "Just thinking about what you said. Humans sure are interesting, huh?"

     He blinked, "Yeah... Have you ever liked anyone?"

     I hesitated. I mean... I wasn't sure that I liked him so I couldn't say I have. "Not that I can recall, no. Sorry." I looked down sheepishly, "I was alone for quite a while."

     "I mean, that makes sense." He sounded a bit off. "I mean, I didn't really expect that you liked anyone anyway." His eyes widened, "Not that that's a bad thing-"

     I chuckled, "Oh, stop apologizing. You're fine." I placed a nonchalant hand on his shoulder, grinning at him.

     He smiled back,"Well, what should we talk about now?"

     I hummed, we should probably steer away from any more touchy subjects. I don't want to get any more confused, after all. "How about... favorite season?"

     "Oh this one's easy!"

     "Oh, really?"

      "Sure! It's..." he trialed off, furrowing his brow. "Shit, actually it's hard."

     I laughed, "I thought so. I'm also insure."

     While he pondered his favorite season I was thinking about my feelings. Could I have actually fallen for my friend?

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