Fur Stylist

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I followed behind Tommy as he lead the way through the Nether. He was positive we were going the right way, even if our destination was out of sight at the moment, and all I could do was trust him. I mean, it's not like I have a good track record with coming here anyway. At least it wasn't too boring.

     The environment was completely new to me. Last time I was here I didn't have the time to look around, not that I remember much of that day, though. The weird fleshy floor was... interesting. Gold scattered the area pretty frequently but Tommy told me not to touch any of it, apparently the pig people get mad if you do. Not that there's any pig people around. If they're anything like Techno, though, I'm terrified. Other than that, there were a couple mushrooms and blue and red trees. It's a cool environment, I guess. I might even consider making a base here if, y'know, it wasn't so damn hot and dark. Also, according to Tommy, if you sleep you spontaneously combust. Seems like a tall tale to me but it's not something I'm about to risk.

     I heard a whimper behind me and I turned back, Tommy did too. Aster was walking my towards us but he looked overheated. His paws dragged across the dark ground. When he finally caught up to me, he flopped down, onto my feet. He looked up at me with big puppy eyes. Poor thing.

     "It's too hot for him." Tommy stated as if it wasn't obvious.

     I nodded, "Yeah, I can see that." He scoffed. "I have some shears. Do you think it'll help if I cut his fur down?"

     "Yeah, probably. I mean doesn't fur keep hear in or something."

     "Okay." I dug into my satchel until I found the metal object. "Keep watch."

     "On it."

     I handed him the sword and then knelt next to Aster. I've never actually cut his hair before and now I regret it. It wasn't unacceptably long, just unacceptable for somewhere like this. I should've took that into account before dragging him in here with me and Tommy. Aster looked at the shears apprehensively. I patted his head with my free hand.

     "Don't worry, buddy. I'm just going to trim your hair okay? I won'g hurt you." He gave me a look. Sometimes it's hard to believe he's a wolf. I sighed. "You don't believe me?" He flicked his tail at my face and I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Look." I grabbed a lock of my hair, snipping it shorter with the shears. "See? All safe."

     "(Y/N), what the fuck?" I heard Tommy question from a few feet away. "Why'd you cut your hair? It looked great."

     I laughed, "Aster wasn't trusting me. But uh, thanks. It'll grow back. Besides, it was just a little bit." I flicked the strand of hair back. I doubt it was even noticeable.

     "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just hurry up." He waved a hand but it's cute that it bothered him.

     Aster placed a paw on my knee and crouched, shaking his haunches. Well, looks like someone's in a mood for a hair cut. I smiled as I brought the shears down. Carefully, I made the first snip. I did it as close as I could to his body without cutting him and it looked good enough. I made my way all across his back and then down his legs. I was about to move onto his tail when Tommy spoke.

     "I hear piglins. We should go."

     "What? Where?"

     "I'm not sure." He walked back to me and now I could hear it too. The faint snorting of pigs. He patted his thigh and Aster stood up. The wolf still seemed tired but noticeably less hot. At least that crisis has been averted.

     I put the shears away and stood, "Okay, then. Lead the way."

     Tommy hummed. "No. The next area is a small soul desert. We'd be easy targets to their crossbows if we go now and they see us." Crossbows?! "We should just hide."

     "Is there a different way?"

     "Yeah... but it's even riskier." He paused, "At least it could be riskier."

     "Would it save us time?"

     "It would be a huge time save."

     "Then we go that way." The snorting sounds were getting closer and I smiled at Tommy, nudging his shoulders. "Lead the way, birdy." I winked when he gave me a look.

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