What Was That?

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      I sighed. It's been two days and I wanted to get going back to Logstedshire. I'm worried about Tommy and Aster. I put the book Bad had given me to the side and brought my knees to my chest, resting my chin on them.

      "You okay?" I turned seeing Skeppy look up from his book, The Greatest Pranks of All Time, and look at me, a hint of worry in his diamond blue eyes.

     "Yeah. I just want to get going back to Tommy. He must feel so alone right now."

     The boy sighed, "I know. Bad's just trying to make sure you recover from whatever sickness you have though. It's not safe to go when you're not feeling one hundred percent."

     "I know."

     He looked around before smirking. "If you're bored I know a little thing we can do. I bet I'll trick you."

     I shrugged. Why not? And sat up straighter. "Okay."

     "Say fort three times."

      "Fort. Fort. Fort."

      "Now spell it."


      "Say it again."


      "Okay, say it two times really fast."

      I sucked in a breath, "Fortfort."

     He smiled, "Okay, what do you eat soup with?"

      I giggled, "A fork. I'm not going to fall-"

      "Really? Every time Bad gives you soup I'm pretty sure you're using a spoon."

      I sat there for a moment before face palming. "Of course. You got me."

      He chuckled. "Told you I would."

      I began to laugh but was cut off when I coughed. The coughing shook my body which in turn made my head hurt. Great.

"Oof. You should rest."

"I'm tired of resting."

"Yeah, well you won't get better if you don't."

I sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right." lied down once again and threw the blanket over my head. "Good night."


I felt myself sigh. Finally. Blissful uninterrupted dream-

(Y/N), darling. There you are! I was wondering when you would sleep again.

     Ugh, go away.

     Why would I do that? I wanted to show you where you came from tonight. I figured you may've wanted to know more about your past. It seems you have forgotten.

      I hesitated. I did want to learn more about my past...

      That settles it then doesn't it? Well, here we go.

      Suddenly, I was in some kind of testing tube. A very, very large one. Some kind of mask was around my nose and mouth, providing me oxygen as I was completely immersed in liquid. I felt painfully bare and smaller to. I must be a baby. I opened my eyes, blearily making out the figures of people in lab coats walking around my tube. I whimpered. This seems very familiar, and not in the good way.

     Those were my past minions. I took over them and had them create you. You're genetically enhanced at your core. Although, it seems years without my guidance has made you pitifully weak compared to your potential.

     What is that supposed to mean?! I am not-

     I blinked and now I was standing in an arena. Tall walls surrounded me on all sides providing me no comfort or escape what so ever. I glanced down, seeing I had no armor on and nothing but a simple iron sword in my hand. That was it.

     No matter, I can just re-train you, although doing it in your dreams is far from ideal. Let's see where your skills are currently, hm?

     Suddenly, about fifty zombies stood before me, miraculously not burning in the sunlight. My eyes widened and I jumped back, away from the groaning horrors.
     I stepped towards the nearest one, swinging my blade and cutting its head clean off before turning to the next closest. I spun, holding out the sword, swiping at three in one blow, causing their quick advance to falter. It didn't do much, however as more kept coming.

      I continued to fight but my breathing was gradually becoming more rapid, the stress causing me to panic. I can't do this, I've only maybe killed 15 so far! How was I-

     I yelped, pulling away as one scratched my forearm. I stumbled back, knocking into another green mass, earning a deep bite to the neck. I screamed in agony before falling onto my back, all the previous zombies vanishing into thin air.

     Pathetic. You used to be fighting many more than that when you were five. I'm severely disappointed.

     I rubbed my neck, I don't think I'm pathetic. Also, frankly, I don't give a shit about what you think of me. I barely know you.

     I created you. You owe me your life. A simple thought from me should mean the world to you.

      I never asked for you to create me. You only did so for your personal gain. I owe you nothing.

     I heard a growl in my head and felt a searing pain shoot through my head, causing me to scream.


      I opened my eyes, glancing up at Bad who sat there, staring at me with wide eyes.

      "Are you alright? You were mumbling in your sleep and wasn't waking up. Sorry for yelling."

     I shook my head, "No, no. It's alright. I'm alright." I sighed. "Sorry."

      Bad smiled softly, patting my head. "No need to be sorry. I'm going to make you some soup right now. It'll only take a fee minutes so just sit tight for a bit, okay?"

     I hummed, "Actually, Bad. I'm feeling a little better so can I watch you make the soup? It's really good and I'd like to know the recipe for when I go back home." I also needed something to get my mind away from my dreams but I wasn't about to say that out loud.

     "No!" He cleared his throat. "I mean, no. It's... a secret recipe."

     I raised a brow. "Okay."

     He got up, running a hand through his fluffy black hair. "Okay, I'll be right back. Stay put."

     I nodded, watching him go towards what I assumed was the kitchen. How suspicious. I'm absolutely going to follow him.

     I glanced around, not seeing anyone nearby, and stood, tip toeing over to the empty doorway. I heard humming and muttering and peeked around the wall .

      Bad stood there, pouring some brown soup into three bowls. He moved two to the kitchen table, which I assumed were for him and Skeppy, before returning to the counter. He sighed, seemingly guiltily, and crouched down, pulling out a strange vial from a cabinet. A green, bubbling substance rested inside and he dropped some of it into the soup, stirring it so it dissolves with a spoon before returning the vial to the cabinet. Weird.

     I stepped out from where I was and called, "Bad? What was that?"

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