Deathly Hallows ☾ 7-10

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"We need to talk." Hermione announced. I raised an eyebrow as she looked around at all of us. "I want to go see Xenophilius Lovegood." I blinked.

"Sorry?" Harry asked with a dumbfounded look. Hermione pried open the book in her hands and we all looked over her shoulders to get a good look.

"See this?" She pointed out. "It's a letter Dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald. Look at the signature. It's the mark again. It keeps popping up." Draco hummed in agreement. Sure enough, scrawled right next to Albus Dumbledore's autograph, stood the same symbol we'd been seeing for the past few weeks. The triangle, circle, and line all assembled within one another. Hermione was right. This had to be a sign of some sort. "In 'Beedle the Bard', in the graveyard in Godric's Hollow."

"It was there, too." Harry said quietly, staring into space. We all turned to him.

"Where?" I asked, looking for clarification.

"O-Outside Gregorovitch's wand shop."

"But what does it mean?" Ron asked, looking between all of our faces.

"Look, you've got no idea where the next Horcrux is and neither do I," stated Hermione, addressing Harry. "but this- this means something. I'm sure of it."

"Y-Yeah! Hermione's right!" Ron quipped up, moving to stand beside her facing the rest of us. I raised a single eyebrow. "We ought to see Lovegood. Uh, let's vote on it. Those in favour?" He raised his hand and looked at the rest of us expectantly. I looked to Draco who was glancing between all of our faces with a small smirk. Hermione and Harry were both staring at Ron like he grew a pigmy puff on his nose. Blinking in disbelief and rolling her eyes, Hermione stepped away and began to pack up our things.


We arrived at a field outside the Lovegood residence in good time, fairly early the next morning. Draco was swinging our intertwined hands gently as we approached the crest of another small hill. Hermione and Harry were mumbling to each other up ahead and Ron led the way, keeping tight hold on his rucksack.

"You think we'll find anything here?" Draco asked calmly, looking at the bright sunrise. I shrugged.

"If anything, the Lovegoods are always interesting. I'd be surprised if we didn't learn at least something." I answered truthfully, recalling many strange and noteworthy conversations Luna and I had shared in our dorm room at Hogwarts. I missed it. As we stood around at the top of the hill, Ron looked onward.

"Luna." He announced, staring at a ramshackle and lopsided house in the distance, somewhat shaped between a large boot and a tree trunk. There was a big string sticking out of the roof, flying trails of kites in the breeze. I figured it'd be best not to question it.

We kept quiet as we approached the front door, being mindful of the many signs advising safe distance from the floating Dirigible Plums. The heavy door had a solid iron owl knocker, and a gold plaque that read: "The Quibbler, Editor: X Lovegood" Hermione knocked once.

The door opened to reveal Xenophilius, wearing his pyjamas and two old-looking sweaters. He looked tired, but in fairly good spirits.

"What is it?" He questioned, looking between the five of us. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Hello. Mr. Lovegood." Harry waved a hand as he stepped to the front. "I'm Harry Potter? We- we met a few months ago. Could we come in?" Xenophilius blinked before hauling open the other half of the door and waving us inside.

The entire house was a bit of a mess, with parchment and various issues of the Quibbler strewn across the, well, the entire house. We made our way upstairs into a haphazard living room area, pushing stacks of magazines off of a few chairs. Xenophilius did not seem to mind one bit. There being little to no space in the entire house, I sat on the arm of Draco's chair and he wrapped his arm around my waist. Xenophilius brought over a kettle and served us tea as we sat down. We sat in awkward silence for a moment before I cleared my throat.

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