Last Day... ☾ 5-08

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It was our last practice before Christmas break, and we all stood in little groups, practicing the spells we'd been learning. I was leaned against the wall, watching as Harry ran around the room praising his pupils. Hermione and Ron were doing quite well, as were Draco and I. Everyone seemed to be improving, except for Neville. No matter how much that boy practiced, he couldn't seem to get the flourish of his wand to work. Looking over to him, Neville raised his wand toward Parvati, and began to cast his spell. Everyone tensed in preparation, holding our breaths. All eyes in the room were on him.

"Expelliarmus!" We were all shocked as Parvati's wand flew out of her hand, perfectly disarming her. We all cheered as Neville's jaw dropped.

"You did it, Neville!" I yelled over the cheering, squeezing his arm with a grin. He began to smile back as the shock withered away. We all crowded around him to give him our praise.

"Fantastic, Neville! Well done mate." Harry exclaimed, patting him on the back.

We all continued our casting, and Harry set up a dummy in the middle of the room. We formed a circle around it, casting spells and blasting the fake wizard back and forth inside the circle. My eyes widened as it careened toward me.

"Stupefy!" I blasted it backward, and it almost flew straight into Ginny. I winced, waiting for impact, but none came as she didn't skip a beat.

"Reducto!" Ginny yelled, cursing the fake wizard. The dummy completely splintered, and disintegrated into thin air. The ashes fell through the grate at our feet. I looked up and tossed Ginny a crooked grin, her returning one. Fred, George, and Ron turned to look incredulously at their sister as she beamed.

The circle clapped and Harry gathered us around the platform by the doors. He, Hermione, and Ron were stood at the front, calling our attention. Nigel stood patiently behind them, clinging to the Marauder's Map, which Harry asked me to teach him how to use.

"So, that's it for this lesson. Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays, so just keep practicing on your own as best you can, and well done, everyone! Great, great work." We all applauded for Harry as he and Ron flashed each other a grin. I gave a whistle as the crowd separated and dispersed to their common rooms. Harry began to approach Cho, who was staring at Cedric's picture in the mirror. The rest of us filed out, and Hermione and Ron waved to me as they left.

Being the last two other than Harry and Cho, Draco pulled me toward the door, gently gripping my still bandaged hands. I pulled back and he turned toward me, raising an eyebrow. I held up a finger, and turned back to the two by the mirror. Raising my wand, I pointed it at the ceiling and whispered. A small plant began to grow, unnoticed by the other two.

"Bye Harry! Bye Cho!" I waved as we left, and Draco turned to me with a confused expression. "It was mistletoe." I replied, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. Draco chuckled and led me back to the Ravenclaw common room. I opened the door and he hesitated before following me inside. It was fairly late, so everyone else had gone to bed.

"Wait here one second." I pointed at the floor and ran upstairs to my dorm. I quickly changed out of my robes and into a pair of leggings and a large quidditch sweater. I came back downstairs, to find Draco flipping through a book of Ravenclaw history from the massive shelf near Rowena's statue. He looked up and blushed, embarrassed to have been caught snooping.

"Read anything interesting?" I shot him a crooked grin as I grabbed a pillow and sat down in front of the large fireplace. He shook his head and came to sit next to me, undoing his tie and taking off his sweater.

"So Harry and Cho, huh?" He asked, watching the embers flare. I nodded with a smirk, thinking of how obvious those two were. They could never stop staring at each other, and I could barely contain my laughing with their awkward conversations. I mean... Draco and I would stare but we never skipped a beat whenever we talked. It was always smooth, easy, and enjoyable.

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