New Beginnings ☾ 19 Years After The Battle of Hogwarts

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The trains were loud and blew a lot of steam as I followed Draco and Sebastian through King's Cross station. Athena was squirming in my arms, and Fennick was complaining as Draco held his hand and led him toward Platform 9 3/4. I could feel the anxiety radiating from Sebastian as we neared the platform. Athena and I went first through the wall, followed by Sebastian, then Draco and Fennick. Running through a wall didn't seem as scary as it used to.

"Come on, you don't want to be late." Draco called as Sebastian struggled to push his cart. He was loaded with his trunk and his bags, not to mention all of the other excessive things he decided he needed to bring. I gave the cart a little extra nudge, and he managed to push it along. I noticed a flash of turquoise hair, and I waved to Teddy Lupin through the train window. He waved back with a grin before an exploding snap hit him in the back of the head. I laughed and turned to wave at Blaise and Delia, who ushered their only son, Eris, toward us.

Sebastian and Eris began to converse, as they'd practically been best friends since birth. I gave Blaise and Delia each a one-armed hug as I struggled to contain Athena.  Draco took her from my arms and I went to say goodbye to my son.

"First year, are you excited?" I asked, smiling. Sebastian shrugged nervously. I chuckled and shook my head. "No need to be nervous. Here, you keep Lola on hand, alright?" I said, pulling his favourite bowtruckle up from inside his pocket. Lola always played favourites, and Sebastian had managed to convince me to let him take her to Hogwarts with him. I said it was alright, as long as he promised he wouldn't use her to pick locks. They were rather good at that.

"You are already a fantastic wizard, Seb. You just need to have a little bit of confidence." Draco assured, smiling. Fennick nodded and giggled, now hanging upside-down from one of the platform signs. Dear Merlin, was that actually my son? Fennick dropped down into a summersault and posed for the landing. His hair turned bright yellow with his laughter. Yes, that was indeed my son.

"Hubblepub!" Athena cried, mimicking the Sorting Hat and pointing to Sebastian. Draco and I laughed. For only one year old, she liked to talk quite a bit. Sebastian groaned.

"I don't want to be a Hufflepuff!" He cried, loading his things onto the train.

"Oh, come on. It doesn't matter what house you're in. You'll be great." I assured. He mumbled a snarky answer and I frowned. Blaise laughed from beside me.

"Yep, that's your son." He stated. I scowled and Draco laughed. The train blew its whistle, signalling the departure, and I smiled as Sebastian and Eris climbed onto the train.

"Don't forget to write! And kick their arses when you go for flying lessons!" Draco called after him. They both waved as it chugged away, and I felt sad as I watched my first child leave on his way to Hogwarts. I felt Draco put his arm around my shoulder as we watched the train leave. I looked into his eyes and smiled. He leaned down and pressed his lips into mine, and Fennick made a gagging noise. We both laughed and I smiled, knowing Sebastian would do well at Hogwarts. Neville would like him especially. Or, Professor Longbottom, I should say. We began our journey off of the platform.

I was a bit sad at the thought of one day having all of my children leave for an entire year to school, but it warmed my heart to know that they would spend some of the best years of their lives at Hogwarts. Looking down at Athena and Fennick, and to my wonderful husband, I couldn't be more grateful for the people I get to spend the rest of my life with.

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