Acquaintance ☾ 3-03

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I sat down at the long table and conversed with my fellow Ravenclaws. The great hall was beautiful, the glorious stone arches holding up an enchanted ceiling that glittered with the stars of the night sky. As I began to eat, I saw a figure approach from the side.

"Are you Aurora?" A light, wispy voice asked. I turned to see a girl about the same age as me, with platinum blonde hair and twinkling blue eyes. With her Ravenclaw uniform, she wore an interesting pair of socks, covered in many different bright colours.

"Yes. Nice to meet you." I stood to shake her hand. She kept her hands wrapped around a magazine held close to her chest. I noticed it was upside-down.

"My name is Luna Lovegood. Professor Dumbledore asked me to show you around since we'll be in the same dorm." I nodded as I stood up and followed her out of the great hall. Prefects were leading the first years to the common rooms as I followed Luna down a different hallway. She showed me the different classrooms and the dark courtyard. I noticed we were alone wandering the dark hallways and my arm broke out in goosebumps.

"Don't worry, I have special permission from the teachers to be introducing you to the school." We continued to walk the hallways and classrooms until she led me up to a tower. We stopped at a large door on the wall, and I noticed the spiraling stairs came to an end.

"This is the Ravenclaw Tower, our common room and dorms." I stood looking at the plain door and realized it had no doorknob or handle. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the singular eagle door-knocker sitting by itself on the mysterious entrance. Luna stood there waiting, and I grew more confused.

The eagle suddenly screeched, and my attention was again directed to the strange door.

"Which came first, the phoenix, or the flame?" The knocker asked as I stood there, bewildered.

"A circle has no beginning," Luna answered, and the door slowly opened to reveal a large room.

The room had an enormous dome ceiling, decorated like the night sky. It reminded me of the great hall. The room was built of beautiful white stone, framing massive bronze archway windows. The circular room was covered with gorgeous Ravenclaw blue curtains and furniture. It all matched very well. On one wall, a large archway framed an alcove housing a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. Inside the alcove was also a beautiful marble statue, watching over the common room with sharp eyes. Luna watched as I took in the marvelous room.

"Merveilleux..." I whispered.

"It's quite beautiful, isn't it. That's Rowena Ravenclaw." She stated, nodding toward the statue. "The entrance is always guarded by a riddle. You must answer it to enter the room, and if you get it wrong, you either wait for someone else to open the door, or find somewhere else to sleep." Nonchalantly, she walked through the room and led me up another set of stairs.

We walked through another door to find a dorm room with two other girls. The dorm was as magnificent as the common room. The beds were shrouded in blue curtains, each wall housing a wonderfully large window. Luna crossed the room and sat down on her bed.

"Aurora, this is Cho Chang and Padma Patil." The two girls waved as they too sat on their beds. I waved as I claimed the only one left.

"It's very nice to meet you both." I smiled and my hair faded to a light yellow. I opened my trunk and began to unpack my things. Classes started first thing tomorrow, and I wanted to be as prepared as possible.


I walked along the hallways, as I headed toward the courtyard. Luna, Cho, Padma, and I had woken up early to have a calming breakfast. We talked for a long while the previous night, and I was happy to have such kind roommates. Classes this morning had been fairly normal, and I talked with Fred and George again in the corridor. Luna had pointed me in the direction of my next class, my favourite class, Care of Magical Creatures, and I was now on my way. I was still early, so I took no rush.

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