New Teacher ☾ 5-01

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My father and Arthur had taken Harry to the Ministry for his hearing. Being a department head, my father actually got a vote at the trial (Which he obviously used in Harry's favour) but Arthur had to continue on to his work meeting. Harry had said Dumbledore testified in his favour as well, but didn't stop to talk to him at all afterward. I had a feeling I knew why, but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions just yet. Harry had said Lucius Malfoy was also there, but he wasn't inside the hearing. However, having talked with Fudge beforehand, Harry felt he held a large influence over the Minister's final verdict.

Currently, the entire Weasley family (with the exception of Bill, Charlie, and Percy of course), Hermione, Harry, Moody, Tonks, Sirius (in dog form) and I were walking through King's Cross Station on our way to Hogwarts. Padfoot made a small barking noise to get Harry's attention. Drawing himself away from the group, he ducked into a small, empty waiting room to talk to Harry. Moody and Tonks stood outside of the room while I walked with Hermione and the Weasley's toward Platform 9 3/4. 

I helped Ginny load her trunk on board the train, followed by Fred and George then Ron and Hermione. Mrs. Weasley waved to her children through the windows as I went to find Harry. Spotting him standing amidst the crowd staring into nothing, I pulled him onto the train.

"Are you alright, Harry?" I asked, putting my hand on his arm. Some first-years brushed past us in search of a missing toad. He nodded, even though he seemed a bit absent-minded. I frowned, knowing that wasn't particularly true.

"Alright then. Hermione and Ron are this way." I led him to our carriage, and we sat down. Harry quickly fell asleep with his head against the window. I didn't think he was getting much rest, and honestly neither was anyone else, especially while Ron, Hermione and I had been waking up from all the screaming he did in his nightmares. Hermione and Ron chatted quietly across from us as I looked out the window. An owl knocked on our window, flapping hard to keep up with the train. It flicked an envelope through the open slot, and it landed neatly on my lap. Breaking the white and silver Whitethorn seal, I began to read.

'Dearest Aurora,

I'm afraid this letter is coming to you with bad news, but I sent the owl as fast as I could. As things are becoming boring at work again, the Minister has instructed me to attend many of the higher up Ministry meetings with Shacklebolt. I almost wish there was another World Cup or Tournament to organize. Nevertheless, during these meetings I have learned that Fudge has sent a witch to Hogwarts as your new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. I am sorry to say that this woman is a right nasty piece of work.'

I snickered at my father's wordings.

'Her name is Dolores Umbridge. Harry might know who I was talking about if you describe a horrid, putrid woman with innumerable pink kitten broaches. Fudge is now interfering with the ongoings at Hogwarts, and with this, I don't know how long the Order is going to last. If you can, make her life as miserable as possible.'

I snickered again.

'Keep your eyes out, and please be safe this year. I know how much trouble you four are capable of. Draco too. Take care.

Always the loving father,

Sebastian Whitethorn

(PS. Don't forget to burn this when you arrive. Don't want old toad-face to find this anywhere in your bags and such. Cheers.)'

Harry looked up as I pocketed the letter. 

"Sebastian send you any good Quidditch tips this year?" Ron asked, and I shook my head in response.

"Said Fudge is sending a new professor to Hogwarts from the Ministry. A lady from Harry's hearing. Dolores Umbridge?" I turned to him and he shook his head. "Fluffy hats, innumerable pink kitten broaches?" Harry groaned as he recognized my description.

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