Knockturn Alley ☾ 6-01

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The day before school, after we had gotten all of our new supplies--including an abundance of potions things I never thought I'd need--Molly had promised us we could go visit Fred and George at work. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was perhaps now the most successful shop on Diagon Alley, especially after most of the Alley closed down due to Death Eater attacks. All the Hogwarts students had come to their shop at least once, I'd bet. The building was painted an obnoxious blue with bright red window frames. The entire storefront was painted orange, and the entrance featured a large moving character sculpture of one of the twins. Which one, I had no idea. He tipped his hat to us as we entered, and we all split off to find new products and pranks that Fred and George had come up with since last year. They even had an entire wall devoted to Skiving Snack-boxes. I cringed as I remembered the puking pastilles prank (that's what Ron called it) on the Slytherins in Umbridge's awful office. They'd basically had to strip the place down to the centuries old brick. Fireworks were constantly whizzing about the air in the shop, surprising a few unsuspecting customers. The twin's voices echoed across the filled walls as they fired off sales.

"Step up! Step up!" They chorused simultaneously.

"We've got fainting fancies!" Fred shouted.

"Nosebleed Nougats!" George added.

"And just in time for school,"

"Puking Pastilles!" A poor young boy was played subject to their free samples as he chewed slowly.

"Into the cauldron, handsome." The twins grinned devilishly. I shot them a look before continuing my browsing. Finding Hermione and Ginny, they were surrounding a glowing pink display with hearts all around it. I raised an eyebrow, and Hermione shrugged.

"Hello, ladies." The twins called.

"Love potions, eh?"

"Yeah, they really do work."

"Then again, the way we hear it sis, you're doing just fine on your own." Ginny gave them both an incredulous look.

"Meaning?" She asked, folding her arms.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?"

"It's none of your business." She snapped, turning back to the potion display. She quickly found somewhere else to be as the twins continued to stare, then followed. Hermione grasped a small, glowing pink bottle. She looked around nervously, and I placed a hand on her arm.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah... fine." She replied after snapping her head back to the display . Quickly placing the potion back, she wandered off again. I followed where her gaze had landed, then cringed as I made direct eye contact with Cormac McClaggan. He was a right git, that one, and ensured I knew it when he looked me up and down. He was eyeing me like a piece of meat! I quickly walked away from his vile staring, finding Ron holding a rather interesting looking box. He followed his older brothers as they climbed up the stairs.

"How much for this?" He asked, holding the box up to them.

"Five galleons." They chimed.

"How much for me?" Ron smirked, raising one eyebrow smugly.

"Five galleons." The twins repeated and I pressed my lips together in an effort not to laugh.

"But I'm your brother!" Ron whined, looking up at them with pleading eyes. The twins looked at each other, then looked back down to him.

"Ten galleons." Ron, defeated, placed the box back on the shelf where he found it, and we followed Hermione and Harry out of the crowded shop. I could understand their hurry, for the floor was becoming much too overrun by small children. I almost kicked one of them in the face as they crawled across the floor. I noticed Ron say "Hi" to Lavender Brown as he left, and she gazed at him longingly. I frowned. She wasn't the brightest, or nicest, to be perfectly honest. I wouldn't approve if Ron decided he fancied her back. Our footsteps found their way down the street.

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