Placebo ☾ 6-06

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Another fall day at Hogwarts, and when I woke up today I decided to go a bit girlier than usual. I knew the Gryffindor Quidditch match was today, but I didn't care. I selected a cream coloured sweater, black scarf, and dark red skirt to support the Gryffindors. I paired the skirt with black tights and black combat boots. I left my hair loose and ran down the stairs into the common room.

"Cheering for the enemy, eh, Whitethorn?" I turned around at the remark, coming face to face with Anthony Goldstein. I loosed a breath I didn't know I was holding at the sight of our prefect.

"They do happen to be friends of mine, so I feel it'd be a bit rude of me not to support them." He nodded in agreement, and we chatted a bit about Quidditch this year. He stated that he was quite confident in my abilities to captain our team, which surprised me. Not that he was usually rude, but he was never the warmest person to talk to. The clock chimed on the wall, and I waved goodbye as I ran downstairs to meet Hermione for breakfast.


I was seated in the Great Hall next to Hermione and Harry, when we noticed Ron standing in the doorway. He was wearing his Gryffindor Quidditch uniform, prepared for the game today. He absolutely insisted on wearing that dreadful helmet, and I had to admit, it did little for his reputation. Some fourth-years were throwing around a quaffle and nearly hit Ron in the head as he finally decided to walk in. Seamus immediately went up to him. Different students were shouting while they had their conversation, saying things like:


"Good luck, Ron!"

"Nice helmet, Weasley!"

"What's he wearing?"

He sat down with us and I could automatically tell something was wrong. He stared down at the plate of toast and eggs in front of him and didn't so much as lift his hand.

"So how was it, then?" He asked quietly, and we all looked up from our own plates, Hermione from her book.

"How was what?" She asked, marking her page before closing the book.

"Your dinner party." He sneered. I raised my eyebrows before realizing that he hadn't been invited. I didn't even stop to think he might have been hurt that we all left him alone that night. I frowned at the idea.

"Pretty boring, actually." Hermione responded. "Though I think Harry enjoyed dessert." I choked on my toast at this bit, and it took me a second to stop choke-laughing. Harry turned his head ever-so-slightly toward us with some attitude. Biting his tongue, he turned back to his breakfast.

"Slughorn's having a Christmas party, you know. We're meant to bring someone." I stated as I took a sip of pumpkin juice to wash down the toast. I looked up at Ron and his frown was even deeper than before.

"I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen." He mocked, looking toward Hermione. I pressed my lips together nervously. The tension of their little romance back-and-forth was almost anxiety inducing. "He's in the Slug Club, isn't he?" Hermione's brow knit together at his upset.

"Actually, I was going to ask you." She snapped back.

"Really?" He stated doubtfully. Hermione opened her book again, and I looked up to see Lavender Brown approaching the table. Her bracelets and necklaces jangled with every step she took, especially when she poked Ron in the shoulder. He turned toward her and she stepped closer.

"Good luck today, Ron. I know you'll be brilliant." She enthused, looking him deep in the eyes. I almost felt uncomfortable, like I shouldn't have been there with the amount of eye contact she was giving him. She walked away suddenly, and I took another loud sip of pumpkin juice. Harry looked at me knowingly, and we both wisely stayed silent. Ron took a deep, strangled breath and exhaled with a wheeze.

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