No Mourners ☾ 7-18

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Harry was panting and gasping on the floor. Ron and Hermione were knelt in front of him, no doubt waiting to see what knowledge his latest vision would produce.

"I know where he is." Harry announced as he opened his eyes. He was pale, and sweating, and looked sick. I don't know how much longer this all could go on. I could confidently say none of us looked any better.


We didn't waste any time. The six of us raced down the stairs toward the main courtyard, the heart of the battle. Spells were flying in every direction, and I felt sick to look downward at the span of bodies on the ground. There were giants, goblins, dragons, trolls, death eaters every monster you could think of in every direction. We ran outside, only to become the closest giant's newest target. He swung his club downward, missing us by mere inches. A herd of Acromantulas even came racing over piles of rubble toward us. 

This was no battlefield. It was a slaughter. We shot spells in every direction, aiming toward those we could only hope were our foes. There was no way to tell. We wove in and out through the mass of death and destruction, following Harry and doing everything we could to get him out. All this death. All this, for what? 

We ducked into one of the surrounding corridors, only to see Fenrir Greyback hovering over the motionless and mutilated body of Lavender Brown. The blood and gore over his mouth made me feel sick. As much as I disliked Lavender, I hated Greyback more. I shot a spell toward him, not feeling the slightest bit guilty as the killing curse struck him in the chest, knocking him flying from the hall. Good riddance.

We made it to the bridge, only to find ourselves faced with a hoard of dementors. We skidded to a stop, and a flash of light and the most magnificent patronus charm I had ever seen was unleashed from behind us. I turned to see Aberforth Dumbledore, defending his school with honour. The patronus hit them like a wave, and the dementors fell back, clearing the path.

Racing down to the boathouse, we stopped outside the windows to see none other than Professor Snape face to face with Voldemort.

"It answers to you... and you alone." Snape ensured.

"Does it?" Voldemort questioned, circling the headmaster. Draco turned back to meet my gaze and I nodded. The Elder Wand.

"My lord?" Snape asked.

"The wand. Does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus, surely you must know. Where does its true loyalty lie?"

"With you, of course, my lord." Snape repeated.

"The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine." Voldemort continued. Snape paled, lifting his chin to preserve the last shred of dignity he held in his claws. "You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus, but only I can live forever."

"My lord-" The kill was clean. Sharp. Fast. We saw it coming, but not like this. Snape's body crumpled, and he sputtered as the blood flowed from the laceration on his neck and chest. The arteries had been severed, and he'd be alive for only mere minutes. If it had been Draco to kill Dumbledore-

"Nagini. Kill." Voldemort instructed. The snake darted forward, her jaws open to attack. She struck him several times, until he remained motionless against the walls of the boathouse. He could not heal from this. His blood was splattered, and we could see it on the windows. I could hear Voldemort and Nagini disapparate, so we opened the door to see our Potions professor. Or, Headmaster, I suppose. Harry knelt by his side as he huffed his final breaths. 

"Take them. Take them, please." Snape sputtered, and I noticed the iridescent tears slipping down his face. I took a vial from my bag and knelt beside Harry, carefully and gently entrapping the memories inside. I corked the bottle and pressed it into Harry's hand. "Take them to the pensieve." The professor instructed. "Look at me." He whispered. Harry met his piercing gaze. "You have your mother's eyes." The professor gave one last huff, and then he was gone. Severus Snape was dead.

The familiar feeling came back, and we all braced ourselves as the voice pierced our skulls once more.

"You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilt is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this... I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me."


"Where is everybody?" Hermione asked as we slowly returned to the courtyard. We followed the trails of blood staining the stone, and Ron pushed open the doors to the Great Hall. Everyone was inside, tending to the wounded, and mourning the dead. Ron immediately rushed inside, searching for his family. He met up with them, and I watched as he crumpled to his knees. We all walked over, and I felt the rush of tears. It was Fred. He was gone. My friend.

Looking around the room, nothing was as it was, and it felt like it never could be. Slughorn was tending to Filch, Sprout and Pomfrey were trying to help one of the second years with a panic attack. I saw Trelawney sitting with Padma, and I ran over.

"She's passed." Trelawney said with sadness. They pulled the blanket over Parvati's face, and the tears kept coming. My roommate. I could barely stand the sounds of George's sobs as the Weasleys sat around Fred. It hurt too much. 

Lupin and Tonks were lying dead on a pair of stretchers, their hands reaching for one another. I fell to my knees. I-I couldn't breathe. Their son, their Teddy. He would grow up without them. They were dead. M-my family. They were all dead.

 I felt two pairs of arms lift me from the floor and carry me outside of the hall. Draco sat on the stairs and enveloped me in his arms. Blaise sat on the floor, leaning against a stone column and rubbing his face in his hands. The tears kept coming, the I didn't know how to stop them. They were all dead. It was one of the only moments where I realized how alone I felt. How utterly alone.  


I cried for what felt like hours, but could only have been minutes. I felt Draco mumble something to Blaise before picking me up and carrying me to an empty classroom. He placed me on a bench, and I lifted my head from his chest, only to wrap my arms around his neck. He accepted the embrace quickly, squeezing me closer. He was here. He was alive.

"I love you so much." I mumbled.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

"Please stay."

"I'd never leave you."

I'm sorry this chapter was so short but I felt that it was the best place for it to end. I'm also sorry it was so morbid. Lotsa death n' stuff. 

- Z

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