Sectumsempra ☾ 6-09

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Ron's brow was covered in a thick sheen of sweat as he rolled over in the hospital bed. Harry had notified us after the events of last night. Apparently, Romilda Vane had gifted Harry a box of love-potion chocolates that Ron took it upon himself to eat, and after being cured by Professor Slughorn, managed to be poisoned by a bottle of mead. We had all rushed to the hospital wing, including Hermione, Ginny and I, and were now seated around his bed when McGonagall, Snape, Dumbledore, and Slughorn all entered the room.

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a bezoar. You must be very proud of your student, Horace." Dumbledore mused, looking down at Ron. Slughorn's faced was twisted with concern and a twinge of guilt.

"Hm? Oh, yes, very proud." He said quietly. McGonagall frowned.

"I think we agree, Potter's actions were heroic. The question is, why were they necessary?" She questioned, folding her arms. I raised an eyebrow from my seat beside Ginny.

"Why, indeed?" Dumbledore turned toward Slughorn. "This appears to be a gift, Horace. You don't remember who gave you this bottle?" I could have sworn I saw a bead of sweat fall from Slughorn's forehead. He shook his head in response. Dumbledore took the wrapped bottle of mead from his hands and brought it up to his nose. "Which, by the way, possesses remarkably subtle hints of liquorice and cherry when not polluted with poison." He frowned and passed the bottle to Snape, who sniffed at it lightly.

"Actually, I had intended to give it as a gift myself." Slughorn mumbled. We all turned toward him.

"To whom, I might ask?" Dumbledore looked back at him.

"Erm, to you, Headmaster." McGonagall looked appalled from her position at the end of the bed. Before the conversation could continue further, the creak of the door and whiny, shrill voice of Lavender Brown cut through the palpable tension.

"Where is he? Where is my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me?" The girl shoved through between Slughorn and Snape and stopped dead at the end of Ron's bed after seeing Hermione. "What's she doing here?"

"I might ask you the same question." Hermione retorted, standing from her chair.

"I happen to be his girlfriend!" Lavender gasped.

"I happen to be his... friend." Hermione sat back down in slight defeat. I raised an eyebrow at her but she shot me a silencing glare.

"Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting." Lavender pointed at her with an accusatory finger. The rest of us in the room felt quite uncomfortable, and Snape looked like he was about to roll his eyes into the back of his head.

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo!" Hermione spat. I put my fist up to my mouth to silence my laugh. Dumbledore looked like he was about to laugh as well, and we exchanged a knowing look. "And for the record, I've always found him interesting." The screaming match halted when Ron rolled over once again, groaning in his sleep. Lavender shot Hermione a look.

"Ah, see? He senses my presence. Don't worry, Won-Won! I'm here, I'm here." She leaned dramatically over the bed and I had to sit back to avoid being whacked in the face with one of her massive braids. Ron mumbled again, and to everyone's surprise, he said 'Hermione'. Lavender recoiled, and Harry's eyes widened. I bit my lip to keep from laughing again, and Lavender ran from the room in tears. Hermione sat down on the edge of Ron's bed and began to stroke his hand. We all stood in silence for another moment, until Dumbledore's musing thoughts interrupted.

"Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting." He gave McGonagall a small smile, before gesturing to the door. "Well, come away everybody. Mr. Weasley is well tended." The teachers began to leave, and Ginny and I exchanged a look before I followed McGonagall out of the room.

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