Summer Pt. 2 ☾ 4-00

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The Weasley's joined us at the entrance to the massive arena after leaving their tent. I had sent them all free tickets (courtesy of my father) so they could come watch the game in the Minister's box with us. Harry and Hermione came too, and they were just as excited to witness their first Quidditch World Cup.

Being led by my father, we walked up the endless stairs. They seemed to go on forever, and the stands were already packed. I could hear Ron and Fred arguing in the background about who was better, Ireland or Bulgaria. To be honest, I didn't have an opinion. Ireland's team was fantastic, but Bulgaria had Viktor Krum. The screaming of fans was relentless as we stood near the railing. The hoops were almost at eye-level. The view was incredible, and I could barely contain my excitement.

"Blimey, I can't believe we're sitting in the Minister's box!" Ron said excitedly. I giggled with Ginny and Hermione as he danced around like a little kid.

"Believe me, nobody else can either." We spun around to see Lucius Malfoy and Draco following smugly behind him. His smirk faded from his face as he looked to me. I stared him down, but his gaze flew back to the Weasley's.

"Father and I were invited as well, naturally. By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself!" Draco bragged, his smugness returning quickly. Hermione rolled her eyes beside me and I folded my arms. Lucius gave Draco a jab in the stomach with his snake-headed cane.

"Don't boast, Draco. Theres no need with these people." Lucius sneered at our large group and I could almost see into the back of my skull as my eyes rolled. Frustrated, I got up to go find my father. He spotted me and came to stand by me after finishing his conversation with the Minister. His crooked grin never looked so happy as he waved us over to our seats.

"Thanks for the tickets, Mr. Whitethorn."

"They're bloody fantastic." Fred and George chorused. Father smiled at the red-headed twins. He always liked them, especially after the many stories I've told about their pranks.

"Please, gents. Call me Sebastian." He tipped an invisible hat as he strolled back over to the Minister. The twins looked like their faces would be stuck in smiles as their identical grins grew wider.

The Malfoy's had sat down on the opposite side of the box, as to distance themselves from the Weasley's as much as possible. Draco fiddled with the end of his sleeve as his father lectured him about associating with "blood-traitors". I watched Draco frown and get jabbed with the cane again. Lucius had never been the most kind person, but you'd think he'd show a little more compassion to his son. You'd be wrong.

Green and white smoke drifted into the arena as the Irish team flew in from above. The chasers lead their team in a triumphant routine as they announced themselves. Cheers erupted from the stands, especially from Fred and George, and they released fireworks into the skies. They exploded together to create a magnificent image of a dancing leprechaun. I grinned as they soared around the field. The crowd was chanting loudly, until red-clad Bulgarians burst through the fireworks in their tight formation.

Ron's jaw dropped as the energy in the arena flipped on its head, and the stands were covered in red and black. All eyes went to a single player, as he did a backward handstand on his broom. My eyes widened as I watched the famous seeker flip through the air.

"It's Viktor Krum!" Harry cheered as he led his team around the pitch.

"That there's the best seeker in the world!" George cried over the screams of the stands. The cheers turned to chants as everyone praised the Bulgarian Seeker.

"Krum! Krum! Krum!"

"Good evening!" Fudge interrupted the cheers, amplifying his voice with a spell. "It gives me great pleasure, as Minister for Magic, to welcome each and every one of you, to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup!" The stands erupted again as we cheered. My father stepped up beside Fudge, and raised his wand.

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