Taking Over ☾ 5-03

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Early in the morning, I sat underneath a tall tree, bundled up against the increasingly cold breeze. I flipped the page of the Potions book in my lap. I was absentmindedly studying, while accompanying Luna on a trip to the forest. She always went alone, and I decided I would join her today. She was awkwardly standing in the middle of the clearing, I now noticed barefoot, and was looking around, like she was watching something I couldn't see.

Leaves crunched behind me as Harry approached, nodding to me, then going over to Luna. The tall trees shrouded the forest from all sunlight, and the increasingly thick mist kept you from going too far.

"Hello, Harry Potter." Luna said cheerfully. Harry looked her up and down.

"Your feet, aren't they cold?" Luna nodded.

"Mmm, bit. Unfortunately all of my shoes have mysteriously disappeared. I suspect Nargles are behind it." I frowned at this, knowing how much Stretton enjoyed teasing Luna. I wouldn't be surprised if he had talked some poor fourth-years into taking and hiding her shoes. It took me a moment to register who she had placed the blame on.

Nargles? I mouthed, shaking my head and turning back to my book. I wasn't familiar with that creature... I'd ask Hagrid, but he's still away, and had been since the beginning of term. They both turned back to the clearing. Harry now watching like Luna.

"What are they?"

"They're called Thestrals. They're quite gentle, really, but people avoid them because they're a bit..."

"Different." Harry finished. Luna nodded, and I stood up to meet them. Luna turned and smiled, and looked back to the clearing. "But why can't the others see them?" He asked, gesturing toward me.

"They can only be seen by people who've seen death."

"So, you've known someone who died, then?" I stopped following them at this. It seemed like a private conversation between them. Not trying to intrude, I made my way back to the castle for breakfast.

I sat down at the Slytherin table with Draco today. We chatted about simple things, how things have changed at Hogwarts, and I thought I was going to get away without mention until Draco brought it up.

"How's your hand?" I placed it on the table. My skin was still mangled with scarring, but it wasn't as red as it used to be. Draco nodded disapprovingly. He placed his hand on top of mine, and it almost swallowed my small fingers completely. My hair turned pink as I blushed.

Blaise, who barely had spoken three words to me since I transferred to Hogwarts, nudged my elbow and motioned toward Harry. He entered the great hall, and stood next to Hermione awkwardly. She and Ron turned, and Hermione nodded an answer to whatever question Harry had asked. Everyone's conversations were halted as Umbridge's shrill voice echoed through the hall, and McGonagall's rang out in a loud answer.

We all crowded toward the entrance steps, wanting to see what was going on. The two professors and Flitwick were arguing as they stood on the steps. He growled something at her quietly as the students rounded the corner.

"Pardon me, professor but what exactly are you insinuating?" Umbridge sneered.

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to Filius' and my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." McGonagall shot back.

"So silly of me, but it sounds, as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." She gave a downward glance to Flitwick as she stepped up one stair higher. Draco squeezed my hand in comfort, and I leaned into his arm. I'd never seen McGonagall fight before, but if any time was appropriate, it would be now.

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