Anger and Fear ☾ 7-06

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"And now for the names of missing witches and wizards." The radio called out. "These are confirmed. Thankfully, the list is short today. Jason and Alison Denbright; Bella, Jake, Charlie, and Madge Farley; Joe Laurie; Eleanor Sarah Gibbs;" It continued as we all listened, walking through a grassy field in the countryside. I flinched when I heard my mother's name, even though I knew she was already dead. I felt Draco squeeze my hand in comfort. Harry and Hermione led our way through the path, followed by Ron, then Draco and I. Ron had volunteered to wear the locket and he looked a bit broody. I was a bit worried, but he had the four of us so hopefully we'd be able to handle any situation that arose. We made our way through fields, abandoned barns, scorched and ruined trailer parks, and other various places. We ducked into a building once or twice to avoid the familiar black smoke of the Death Eaters.


"Harry and Bronwyn Trigg; Rob and Ellie Dowson; Georgia Clark-Day; Joshua Flexson; George Coutas; Gabriella and Emily Mather; Jacob and Mimi Erland; William and Brian Gallagher" The constant static thrum of the radio was completely normal now, and it grew comforting to all of us. We were all waiting to see if we recognized any of the names that were called day after day after day. We had now stopped outside of electrical site and set up the tent underneath a giant metal cone that I wasn't sure what the muggles used for. Harry was wandering in the distance, Draco and I were seated on a pile of rubble, and Hermione and Ron were seated across from us outside the tent.

"He doesn't know what he's doing, does he?" Ron scowled at Harry in the distance, hair dirty and eyes bagged from how tired he was. How tired we all were. Hermione pat him on the back in comfort.

"None of us do." She stated by way of reply. I nodded solemnly. We'd been traveling for days on end, and haven't found anything remotely related to Voldemort or the horcruxes. It was wearing us down slowly but efficiently.

"Katie and James Killick; Elsie Valentine Schroeder; Jennifer Winston; Tamsin and Iola Hillicker; Scarlet and Kitty Sharp"


The snip of the scissors was what awoke Ron as Hermione was dutifully working at the salad that was Harry's hair. I watched from the table across from him as Draco kept watch outside. Harry was staring into space, and I was twiddling my thumbs. Doing nothing was growing more and more tedious each day. Suddenly the snipping stopped.

"Oh my god." Hermione stated, eyes perking up. She put down the scissors and I raised an eyebrow. Harry maintained his emotionless expression as he stared into nothing.

"What?" He asked, not particularly caring what the answer was. Hermione got up and moved about the tent.

"I'll tell you in a minute." She replied, diving into her bag. Harry reached up to feel the unfinished haircut on the back of his head. She pulled out books and parchment form her bag and laid them across the other table. Harry began to get up but I pushed him back down in the chair to fix his haircut. He looked at me gratefully as I snipped the rogue hairs that were left. I set the scissors down again with a satisfied nod and we both went to see what Hermione was up to.

"Maybe you could tell us now." I suggested, laying my chin in my hands.

"The Sword of Gryffindor." She started, looking up from her book and throwing her hands in the air. "It's goblin-made!" Harry sarcastically put both thumbs in the air.

"Brilliant." He stated blandly. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to Hermione.

"No, you don't understand." She explained, looking rather excited. "Dirt and rust have no effect on the blade. It only takes in that which makes it stronger." Harry motioned for her to continue and my eyes widened with realization. I sat up straight and slammed my hands on the table.

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