Not as Friends. ☾ 3-09

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The terrified group of teens stood paralyzed at the sight of their teacher-turned-werewolf. Without looking around, Snape crawled out of the tunnel underneath the willow tree. He grabbed Harry's collar and pulled him closer.

"There you are, Potter." He spat, obviously angry for the spell Harry had unleashed upon him earlier. Hearing Lupin's growls, Snape spun on his heel toward the wolf-man. His face drew an expression of fear as he stood in front of the students. Snape pushed them farther behind him and wrapped his arms around them protectively. Draco held Aurora in his arms for fear of their safety. They had no time or patience to talk or think about their relationship.

Lupin reared back and swiped at the huddled group. Falling to the ground, the potions master clutched his abdomen, cradling the wound. Following the scent of blood, the werewolf crept toward where Hermione, Ron, and Snape were laying. They crawled backward, but were stopped by the fearsome edge of the cliffside. The werewolf sniffed, not having particularly good eyesight, following his nose.

As he reared back again, raising another clawed hand to strike, Sirius appeared behind him in his dog form. The bloodthirsty mutt lunged at the werewolf, sinking his teeth into Lupin's arm. They rolled across the clearing, jaws snapping at each other. The students stumbled upward and ran toward their fallen professor.

Sirius was thrown off of Lupin, and stood guarding the group of children. He bared his teeth at his old friend, not wanting to hurt him but knowing he might have to. Drool dripped from both of their exposed maws, falling to the floor as they circled. Sirius lunged at Remus again, the two colliding with a loud thud. The darkness of the night surrounded them, only lit by the brightness of the full moon. It was exposed to the clearing, Lupin maintaining his frightful state. The clash of teeth and fur could be heard, and Black yelped as his friend tossed him aside. Remus approached the children again, still being guarded by Snape. Not hesitating, Sirius locked his jaws around Remus' arm, pulling him away. Turning in anger, the werewolf followed his friend through a patch of trees and away from the students.

"Sirius." Harry stated, not speaking to anyone in particular. He burst from the huddle, chasing after his Godfather.

"Come back here, Potter!" Snape yelled after the boy. Harry stopped at the crest of the hill to see the two still engaged in toothy combat. Sirius was being overpowered, and Lupin knew this as he threw the animagus against a boulder. Harry, finding blind courage amidst the sea of adrenaline and fear, bolted toward the two. Still unarmed, the boy picked up a rock and threw it at the werewolf. It struck him in the back of the neck, and his beady yellow eyes turned toward the young wizard. His legs took large steps, making quick work of the space between them.

Suddenly, a howl cut through the sound of Remus' growls and gnashing teeth. Draco, getting the idea from Snape's substitution class, stood near the hill and howling like a wolf. Aurora quickly joined in as they distracted the werewolf professor. Moaning, Lupin cut through the grass and followed the noise of the howling. Harry followed his injured godfather, leaving his friends and their potions professor behind.


Halting the howling, Aurora, Draco, and their friends had decided to take the unconscious teacher back to the castle and straight to the hospital wing. After seeing Harry follow Sirius into the forest, they decided it was best to regroup at the school.

Aurora was now sitting in a hospital bed, Draco sitting by her feet. They were still holding each other's hands, afraid to let go. Aurora's bad arm was in a sling, but her hair was turning a normal purple colour after being darkened with fear. Draco was happy to see it, and gave the girl a small smile. She squeezed his hand in response, still a bit weak. The Slytherin boy had a few bandages around his torso from the Whomping Willow hitting him in the stomach, but he was alright. Even more, he wanted to look tough in front of his friend.

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