The End of Another Year ☾ 5-15

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Dumbledore and Harry unsurprisingly made the front page of the Prophet again, this time under slightly more positive circumstances. Umbridge was also featured in the paper, now depicting her disheveled self leaving Hogwarts, after being rightfully suspended. Dumbledore was reinstated as headmaster, and we were all thankful to regain some sense of normalcy.

I was seated on my bed, empty trunk open at my feet. I stared at the label on the side, decorated with my initials and the Hogwarts crest. I couldn't stop thinking about mom. Father had sent me back to Hogwarts despite the recent events, and though I argued against it, his word was firm. He hasn't been the same since, but rightfully so. I think I was still in shock, because I kept forgetting that she wouldn't be there to pick me up at the train station. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

My wallowing was interrupted by a gentle knock at the door. It opened, and in walked Jeremy Stretton. His usually cheerful face was somber as he took a seat next to me on the bed. He said nothing, just offering his presence in comfortable silence. I laid my head on his shoulder as the tears began to fall. He still said nothing, instead rubbing soft circles on my back. I was immensely grateful to have him as a friend. I wish he wasn't leaving this year, but it couldn't be helped. After a while, I said as much, and he smiled sadly.

"I know, but I expect weekly letters updating me on your progress with Quidditch. That is, if you're still up for it." I took a minute to think, then nodded my head. Maybe I would feel a bit overwhelmed, but Quidditch was a part of my life and I would not abandon it or our team. Stretton nodded in agreement. "Alright then. Come on, we've got goodbyes to say." He stood but I remained seated on the bed. He knows how much I loathe goodbyes. He raised an eyebrow, and I gestured to my empty trunk in answer. "Nope. Not an excuse." I rolled my eyes, but with a flick of my wand, all of my books, clothes, and other thinks began to pack themselves into the trunk. We descended the stairs into the common room, where Davies and some other seventh year Ravenclaws were waiting.


I walked alone down the large staircase, quietly greeting some of the figures in the paintings after their return. Dumbledore had them all put back up immediately, and to Filch's dismay, in the exact same place they were before. I imagine it took a while. Coming to the bottom of the stairs, I met Draco before the courtyard. We walked hand in hand until we reached our spot, and to my surprise, he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Aurora." I hugged him back and laid my head against his chest.

"For what?" He gave a small laugh.

"For everything. For my father, for your mother, and for not saying this sooner." He broke the hug and I stepped back, raising an eyebrow in question. He pulled me close again, this time crashing his lips against my own. I melted into the kiss, savouring the feeling of his arms on my waist and his touch against mine. Through all of the ups and downs, we had stuck by each other, and I was grateful. He was everything to me, and I could tell the feeling was mutual. After a moment, he pulled away, lightly panting. He took my scarred hand into his own and gazed at me. He looked content, like he could do it for hours. I probably could too.

"I love you, Aurora." My eyes went wide and I looked into his. I could see the truth behind his words, and I swear his eyes sparkled when I responded.

"I love you too, Draco."


As we all exited the carriages, the train loomed ahead. Steam curled from the top as we gathered around each other, as friends. 

"I've been thinking about something that Dumbledore said," Harry started, gaining our attention. 

"What's that?" Hermione asked.

"That even though we've got a fight ahead of us, we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have."

"Yeah?" Ron asked, raising an orange eyebrow.

"Something worth fighting for."

Draco looked at me as Harry said this, and I gave him a small smile as I squeezed his hand. He kissed the top of my head as we walked, and I ignored the gagging noise Seamus made behind us. 

It was true, and I wouldn't have put it any other way.

Sorry for the short chapter, but there wasn't much to write about for the end of the year. Also, the last one was so damn long that I'm a bit burnt out. Thanks for reading yet another year, and I can't wait to see you all in the next one!

EDIT: As I'm publishing this, it's a bit early so I promise I'll publish the next one (for year 6!) at around midnight. Also, we just hit 3.3k reads! I'm so grateful to you all for reading (even though they're mostly ghost-reading lol) and I cannot wait for the chapters ahead. <3

Much love,


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