Snatchers ☾ 7-11

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As I gently set my bag down and rummaged around for the tent, a cry from Ron alerted something wrong. We all looked up as he was met head on with three Snatchers. I stood up and looked around, only to come face to face with another, who gripped my chin tightly and forced me to look up into his twisted face.

"Darling." He said by way of greeting and I scowled in his face.

"'Ello beautiful." Scabior chided as Hermione gasped and stepped away. The one holding my chin pushed me backward and I fell onto the grass before stumbling up. The five of us glanced at each other before bolting in the one direction they'd left open.

"Well don't hang about. Snatch 'em!" Scabior commanded as he unleashed his troupe of Snatchers after us. My feet pounded the forest floor as we sprinted through the trees. Harry and I, having fairly recently been playing hard on the Quidditch teams, pulled ahead of the others. I kept my breathing even despite my pounding heartbeat. I could hear the others' faint gasps for breath as we ran, but with that came the raspy laughs of the Snatchers not far behind.

They began to shoot curses at us, and Hermione cried out as she narrowly dodged a painful flash of light. We barrelled down a hill in the forest and I cringed as Harry tripped and began to roll. He quickly stumbled up and we surged forward. I heard the clink of chains and Ron's grunt of pain as he hit the floor, hard. A snatcher used an 'Incarcerous' charm and he was now bound in chains head to toe. Concerned, I made the mistake of looking back and was hit directly between the shoulder blades with a paralyzing curse.

"Aurora!" Draco yelled as I slammed into the ground. I groaned as much as I could as I fought against the curse, but it was no use. Each muscle pulled tight in paralysis, and no matter how much I struggled I couldn't move. I felt the tight wrapping of chains encircle my limbs and knew I was completely trapped. I felt the aggressive hands of a Snatcher pick me up and throw me over his bulky shoulder. I grunted with the impact. I could hardly believe it when Hermione stopped dead in her tracks and shot Harry in the face with a curse. The snatchers gathered us in the clearing where Hermione shot Harry and pulled them apart. The bulky one tossed me to the ground with little effort and I cried out at the impact once again. They took off any chains they'd thrown on us and each of us was held back by a Snatcher.

"Don't touch her!" Draco yelled as the Snatchers yanked his arms back and held him tightly. Scabior laughed and punched him in the jaw.

"No! Don't!" I cried out. The Snatchers laughed along. A similar interaction was going on with Ron and Hermione.

"Don't worry, darling," He stated, pulling me up off the ground and gripping my waist tightly. He basically had to hold me in the air, due to the curse that rendered my legs useless. "Your boyfriend will get much worse than that if he doesn't learn to behave himself." He pushed me into the empty hands of Fenrir Greyback, and I cried out as his nails dug into my sides. Draco struggled against the chains and Scabior turned on his heel and punched him in the stomach.

"Stop it! Don't hurt him!" I screamed, before Greyback's hands holding me pressed harder. I bit my lip as his claws drew blood. Another Snatcher was holding Harry up by the collar, and I noticed now that one side of his face had swollen up like a balloon, and he was barely recognizable. I wouldn't have known. Smart, Hermione.

"What happened to you, ugly?" Scabior asked Harry. The Snatcher and Harry looked to Scabior at the same time. Scabior rolled his eyes. "No, not you. What's your name?" He asked.

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley." Harry answered immediately.

"Check it." Scabior commanded. He walked back over to me, and put his finger under my chin. "As for you, darling? What shall I call your striking appearance?"

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