You're a Girl ☾ 4-07

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Standing in the courtyard with Luna, Padma, and Lisa Turpin, I wrapped my robe closer around me. The winter was getting colder, and I never liked the cold.

We were chatting about how Padma and Parvati both wanted Harry to ask them to the ball when I noticed Harry and Ron walk through the courtyard, whispering to one another. We turned to the two boys, and watched as they passed a group of Beauxbatons girls who looked very unfriendly. The boys smiled awkwardly as they made their way across the grass. I waved goodbye to my classmates and ran to catch up with them. Fleur lead her small army of girls through the courtyard, nodding to Harry but not sparing a second glance as they entered the school. It was quite pitiful to watch them get rejected around every turn.

"Hey boys!" They both turned to me as my yellow hair faded to normal. They both turned to me with a sour expression.

"Hey Aurora. You're a girl. I've got a question." Ron said, rather angrily. Harry snickered.

"Alright then, spit it out." I nodded for him to continue, and he edged a little closer. I furrowed my eyebrows and backed up a bit. He continued to come closer and Harry folded his arms.

"Why are girls so mean?" He asked, and I stifled a giggle. "Like why do you travel in groups, and how are we supposed to get you on your own to ask them to the dance?"

I put a hand to my heart and gasped dramatically.

"Is that what you've brought me here for, Ronald? My, I didn't think you saw me that way." Harry snickered as Ron turned beet red.

"N-no!" He stammered I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax Ron, I'm just teasing. You just need to find the confidence to ask someone. We're not mean, we're just impatient." I winked as he scoffed. Harry frowned as they continued on in their search.


I sat alone on a log, by the black lake. The beach was practically empty, except for a hoard of students walking along. I paid them no mind as I continued to read my book. I had read it numerous times, trying to memorize more incantations for the defensive spells Moody was currently teaching us.

The hoard of girls got closer, and I noticed they were following Viktor Krum as he ran across the beach. They giggled, leaving a space about ten feet long between them, obviously waiting and hoping for him to interact with them. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my textbook. The giggling suddenly stopped and a shadow fell over my book. I looked up to find Krum standing in front of me, a small smile plastered on his face. His muscled biceps were slick with sweat and I noticed his chest barely fit into the tight shirt he was wearing. My hair turned bright pink as he offered me his hand. I took it and stood up, utterly dwarfed next to the tall Durmstrang boy. The group of dissatisfied girls continued down the beach, grumbling to one other. Krum watched them leave, then turned to me. I blushed as he brushed his thumb over our hands, that were still intertwined.

"You're very pretty." He said suddenly. I looked up, my face getting redder than before as he gazed into my green eyes. "I see you studying in the library. I think you're very smart, and I wanted to know if you would accompany me to the Yule Ball." Usually being a man of few words, my eyes widened at the offer. Lips curling into a smile, I nodded at him. He smiled back, chest puffing up in confidence.

We walked together back to the school, him still holding my hand. We talked a little bit, but it was mostly comfortable silence. I looked at him, and I couldn't believe the lack of clothing he wore. Just a tank-top and trousers. I was bundled up well, from sitting out in the cold winter air. He brought me back to the great hall, bowing before going off to find his friends. I blushed as I realized the group of girls from before were glaring at me, standing off to the side, and I turned and sat down next to Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

Hermione wiggled her eyebrows at me after watching the interaction between Viktor and I. Finished copying her notes, she closed the book in front of her. Ron and Harry were whispering to each other before giving me a suspicious look. Snape was walking up and down the tables, monitoring the class.

"This is mad." Ron whispered, looking around the room. I raised my eyebrow as he turned back to Harry. "At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." I quickly looked back to my book as Snape whacked a book over Ron's head for talking. As the teacher continued on, we looked up again.

"Well, us and Neville." He snickered, looking down the table at his fellow Gryffindor. I frowned at the assumption , remembering I saw Neville asking Ginny a few hours before.

"Yeah, but then again, he can take himself." Harry chided, laughing to himself.

"You might be interested to know that Neville's already got someone." Hermione interjected, Ron exhaling in disbelief.

"Now I'm really depressed." He sighed.

Fred elbowed my arm from beside me and I looked up. He slid a piece of parchment toward me, motioning to give it to Ron. Ron picked up the parchment and whispered to himself. Ron passed the note back, and I slid it to Fred.

"Who are you going with, then?" Ron whispered. I raised an eyebrow to Fred, waiting to hear his answer. He grabbed a crumbled piece of paper and chucked it at Angelina. She turned to look at him with a frown. He pointed to her, than made a dancing motion, then pointed to himself, mouthing words to her. Alicia smiled from beside her. Angelina nodded, smiling to Fred, and he turned back to Ron with a smirk on his face. He winked, and I snickered as Ron stuck out his tongue. He turned to Hermione and Harry and I watched, both smiling.

"Say Hermione, you're a girl."

"Oh, well spotted." She said sarcastically, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He began to speak again, but I looked down quickly as Snape hit the three in the head with his book again. He stalked away, and Ron turned back to Hermione.

"C'mon, it's one thing for a bloke to show up alone, but for a girl it's just sad." He looked to me when he said this too, and I glared at him. Hermione looked furious.

"Well Ronald, we won't be going alone because Hermione and I were both asked already." I responded with a sneer, remembering Hermione telling me another Durmstrang boy had asked her. Ron looked at us in disbelief.

"What?! Who?" Harry asked. Neither of us responded as we both stood. I waited for Hermione to hand her book in to Snape, and came back to grab her quills.

"We both said yes." We said simultaneously. We linked arms and wordlessly left the hall. I giggled once we rounded the corner, watching Ron grumble something to Harry and get in trouble from Snape again. Hermione smiled excitedly.

"So Krum asked you?" She asked, grabbing my arm. I blushed and nodded, happy with my decision to go with him. We both turned when we heard a book slam closed, and watched as Malfoy stomped around the corner and made his way past us toward the dungeons. We both shrugged it off, skipping along to the Gryffindor common room. We already had decided to plan a trip to the dress shop in Hogsmeade.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, my usual schedule has been thrown off from school. Hope you enjoy!


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