Foul, Evil, Old Gargoyle ☾ 5-04

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Rumours and messages had begun to travel fast. Everyone was talking about Umbridge's ridiculous rules and teaching methods. I had noticed a lot more students milling about with scars on their hands, and both mine and Harry's continued to get worse. I had begun to keep my hair brown at all times. Umbridge had caught me far too many times, and I was sick of cutting my hand open because of my bloody hair. I hated the ruddy brown, and though people assured me that they liked it or that it looked fine, at this point I loathed looking in the mirror.

Even the other teachers were on edge as Umbridge began to interview every last one. Even Snape. She interrupted classes and asked personal questions, forcing the teachers to answer them in front of their students. Ron got a good hit to the back of the head in Potions for snickering at Snape's answer to one of her invasive questions. Fred and George had countless objects, games, products, and other things confiscated. They were going mad, all of their fun being stopped by this retched woman. Even exploding snap, which Ron thought was absolutely uncalled for. More and more decrees were added to the wall, and even the prefects were going crazy at the rules she was putting in place. Draco had been asked three times if he was maintaining the Slytherin common room, and when he said yes all three times, she still made him prove it to her. Filch was practically her own personal servant already. Umbridge treated him like a bloody house elf!


One day, I had begun to study for Charms in the great hall as Flitwick was conducting the choir. Music always helped me concentrate, and Flitwick always assured any troubled Ravenclaws to ask for help or study in his classrooms when he was there to assist. As I read, I noticed Umbridge walk up to the dais on which the choir was practicing. Flitwick smiled at the inquisitor, using his wand to conduct the student's pace. I gasped in surprise and the choir immediately stopped as she pulled out a tape measure and held it next to his head. He looked at her incredulously, and stormed out of the room.

I quickly gathered my books and made to follow the professor, wanting to make sure he was alright. I found him in his office, using a rather violent charm to clean and sort the objects around his desk.

"Professor?" I asked, knocking at the door. He put his wand down and sat at the desk.

"Miss Whitethorn, come in. What can I do for you?" He asked, plastering a fake smile onto his tense face.

"I came to see if you were alright, Professor. I was in the great hall..." He nodded, smile dropping to a frown. He looked down at his desk and folded his hands.

"Yes, I'm quite alright, thank you dear. Believe it or not, I'm used to such attention," I nodded. "Dolores and I don't quite agree on many things, and I'm sure this is just another to add to the list." He motioned to my hand as he said this, and I stuffed them into my robe pockets. We chatted for a bit longer, before checking the time.

"Oh my! It's quite late, indeed. We must be getting back to the tower." He hopped down off of his chair, escorting me back to the common room before making his way to his own chambers. I was a bit worried about him, but I knew our Head-of-House could take good care of himself.


I hurriedly followed Cho down into the courtyard. Harry and Draco caught up with us.

"Cho? Aurora? What's going on?" Harry asked, following the thrum of students outside.

"It's professor Trelawney." I answered solemnly. We herded into the covered hallways, looking out into the courtyard. Professor Trelawney stood, next to a few rather large trunks, and stumbled backward as Filch brought another. Shakily, she sat down, holding her bag tight in her hands. She held her things close and her lip quivered as a path was made for Umbridge to walk through. Trelawney stood and went to meet her, tripping over one of the suitcases.

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