The Order ☾ 5-00

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Draco and I had been sending letters back and forth throughout the whole summer, and I kept him to his promise. However, I couldn't tell him where I was, or what I'd been doing, but he accepted that reluctantly.

My father had moved our family from our townhouse to Number 12 Grimmauld place. Sirius Black had opened his home up as headquarters for The Order of the Phoenix. Having grown close with Arthur Weasley, my father eagerly accepted the invitation to join the Order when he learned what they do. My mother, father, and I had been initiated within the week. I was currently the youngest official member of the Order, and I was ecstatic, but nervous about it.

Today, when the real Alastor Moody was assembling a rescue team of sorts, I jumped at the opportunity to go and get away from the heated argument blossoming at the table. My father gave me a 'get me out of this' look, but with my mum too far into the argument, I shook my head and smiled.

Just getting word he was about to be expelled, we were finally going to get Harry. Currently, the townhouse held The Whitethorns, the Weasleys, Sirius Black, and Hermione Granger. The other members of the Order also came and went as they so chose, but none of them took up residence like we did and Harry was about to. It was safer this way. Harry had apparently got himself into a bit of trouble, and Dumbledore had to plead for him to have a hearing before he was expelled for Underage Magic. The rescue team consisted of me, Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks (which of whom I got along with very well), and another Auror I didn't know.

We quickly made our way to Harry's house, or should I say, his uncle's house, by apparation. I traveled with Kingsley since I wasn't technically allowed to apparate yet. Seeing his Aunt and Uncle leave with his dreadful cousin, we quietly broke into their house. Tonks took the lead, and took us up to Harry's bedroom. She agonizingly slowly unlocked the door.

"Very clean, these muggles." Tonks commented.

"Tonks, for Merlin's sake." Moody angrily pushed past her. Tonks lit her wand and we all filed into the small room.

Harry was standing in the middle of the room, wand raised.

"Professor Moody? Aurora? What are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you, of course." I replied with my famous crooked grin. "I like the haircut, Potter." Ruffling his hair, we took him downstairs and out the front door.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked Moody as the auror quickly walked to the end of the driveway. "The letter said I've been expelled from Hogwarts."

"Well you haven't been, not yet." He replied. We all lined up on either side of Harry. Me on his right, Moody on his left.

"But the letter said-"

"Dumbledore has persuaded the Minister to suspend your expulsion pending a formal hearing." Kingsley explained, following Moody's command to take point.

"A hearing?" Harry asked. I shook my head at the amount of questions this boy had.

"Don't worry Harry, we'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters." Tonks assured.

"Shh! Not here, Nymphadora." Her hair turned an exquisite shade of red and mine faded to a light yellow as I giggled.

"Don't call me Nymphadora." She glared at Moody, the experienced Auror rolling his eyes at the younger one. She regained focus as Moody tapped his staff on the ground, our brooms coming in from nowhere. It was much easier for us to fly than to apparate with two underage wizards, just so nobody got splinched.

Harry looked at me confused as we both caught our brooms. I winked.

"Stay in formation everyone. Don't break ranks if one of us is killed." Harry gave Moody and I an incredulous look, and I shook my head at Moody's theatrics.

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