Sorting It Out ☾ 3-02

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"Aurora dear, do you have everything," My mother incessantly asked as we made our way through King's Cross station. "Wand, books, parchment, and ink to write to us, warm clothing..." She continued until we stood next to platforms 9 and 10. "Oui, Maman." I rolled my eyes and looked down at the ticket in my hands and frowned. "Platform 9 3/4? What does that even mean?" My parents were focused on their own conversation, my dad scolding my mom for scolding me, while she sifts through the trolley of my things.

"Need some help?" I heard two voices say simultaneously behind me. Turning, I saw two red-headed twins coming up to me.

"If you don't mind, that would be very helpful." I blushed and scratched the back of my head, noticing my hair turn a little pink. The twins smiled as they led me to a wall in between the platforms. I watched, intrigued as their younger brother, I'm assuming, ran head-on into the wall and disappeared through to the other side. My eyes widened. The twins turned and winked at me as they followed their family through the wall, showing me how it was supposed to be done. My parents walked up behind me as I stood staring at the wall, wondrously.

"Your father and I have some work to do at the Ministry." My mother says suddenly. "I'm sorry darling but this is where we leave you. Have an amazing time at school, you'll do great." She kissed my cheek and we said goodbye. I waved as they left through the station, back where we came from. I took the trolley into my hands and pushed it nervously through the wall.

On the other side revealed an amazing steam train surrounded by young witches and wizards catching their ride to Hogwarts. I watched astonished as students boarded the train and their trunks were carried off.

"There you are." One of the twins startled me. I turned around to find myself face to face with their red-haired family. "We were wondering if you were just going to wait there." The other twin said, chuckling. "I'm Fred, and that's George. Over there is our mum and dad, whiny sister Ginny, and impressionable younger brother Ron." I looked over to where they pointed and watched their behaviour. Their mum was a kind and thoughtful lady, it seemed. She stood finding coats, owls, and various other things for her many children before they got on the train. We walked towards them and I introduced myself.

"Hello, my name is Aurora. Aurora Whitethorn." The twins were taken aback as their younger brother's eyes widened.

"Whitethorn?! Like Sebastian Whitethorn?! The famous French Quidditch player?!" I smiled at the thought of my dad in his happy place.

"Yes, that's my father."

"Wicked." He stood astonished, and a young brunette boy with glasses came up behind him. "Oh, I'm Ron Weasley by the way. You've already met my brothers, and this is Harry. Harry Potter."

It was my turn to be shocked at the mention of The Boy Who Lived. "Really? Wow!" I shook hands with him as we turned after Mrs. Weasley ushered us toward the train. "Is it your first year at Hogwarts?" Harry asked curiously. "I don't remember seeing you around before."

"Yes, I'm transferring from Beauxbatons in France. I'm in my third year though." I replied.

"Oh, so you'll be in our year! Wicked!" Ron smiled. "Do you play Quidditch too?!" He suddenly stopped, waiting for my answer.

"Oh yes, very often. I love it." He smiled, satisfied with my reply as we seated ourselves in the only open carriage left. A man sat sleeping in the corner with his head against the window. "Is this alright?" I asked as we sat down. "I wouldn't worry, he's asleep." Harry shrugged. We were soon joined by another girl with frizzy brown hair wearing her Gryffindor robes. She quickly introduced herself as Hermione Granger, and she seemed to be good friends with Ron and Harry. She sat across from Harry and I, next to Ron and the mysterious man. We talked for a while and the train began to move. I soon became quite good friends with the trio, they seemed like very nice people.

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